Post CommentYou know what should be aborted don't you? This tour. Yep.
Todd Jones here. I am not a scene bully. Call me that to my face at a show and see what happens.
Heck of a day I'm havin. I have a mlk poster as a dartboard, nose 10pts, eyes 25, lips 50.
I saw Aborted in 2012. Met the singer and a guitar player. Both were cool. I'm sure it's a completely different lineup now
did you sck his dck?? did he suck your dck? how big was his dck? how big is your dck? can i suck it?
To the one claiming they drank meth laced coffee today; not your brightest moment in life. Perhaps making it yourself would've been smarter...unless of course you had...then back to what I said before...not fcking bright...perhaps you should read the departments dare program while singing... "I Saw The Sign"
all comments on this thread are the same fckboi
Dudes who post in reviled forums should stay there and not gay up the anon section.
I hate when bands skip western ny and force me to go to fcking Canada.