Post Commentso its pretty much one long song for 5 sets...
How many times is this tour going to happen? Boo and ATB with Upon a Burning Body? Jesus christ
This shit is fcking ridiculous. Do these shitty bands only tour together because they're the only people who can stand to listen to this crap?
Sankus here. Ask me a question while i'm mixing sound... broken jaw. Set your drink on my equipment... run you over with the tour bus. mention Justin Lowe... well that one's obvious. Brian Sankus
Bands trying to shred each other's egos off are stoked.
I wonder if Sankus and the members of Drowning got into a fight what would happen? Soup kitchen..Ds in some As
This is probably the 10th time these bands have toured together.
Glad I got Veil of Maya instead of Upon A Burning Butthole
ERRA is fcking terrible live, their steroids-freak vocalist sucks and the rest of the band had almost no stage presence
Hella Gay.