Motorhead: Lemmy cancels show after three songs (video)
Post CommentSo here's the deal....I had money on Mike IX kicking the bucket within a year of LaCaze, it didn't happen. However, this looks like a winning bet for 2015....Any takers? Oh, Bane will be releasing some interesting news in the next week maybe 2...bring on the lolz
lemmy is tougher than any of the basement dwelling suckers on this site
Lemmy is a legend. Cheers Brother.... hope to see ya soon!
^^^^ This is the person who wears affliction shirts to shows
I am the one climaxatron The outstretched walking cane
The biggest pssy that ever stepped foot on this planet.
shouldve slowed down on the cigarettes and alcohol. What a muff
At the least the people there weren't douches. But still...Lemmy needs to hang up his boots and just take the rest of his life and enjoy it while he still has time. He looked like he was going to pass out at any moment, I mean for fck sakes the dude beat the shit out of his body for 50 years and is still impressive. But at least he had the heart to come out and apologize unlike some musicians these days.
Lemmy is a legend. Cheers Brother.... hope to see ya soon! permalink | report abuse anonymous 8 hours ago ^^^^ This is the person who wears affliction shirts to shows internet magic happening here
You people talking trash are pure cowards. I would love to see what you do with your lives.
no you wouldnt, they do nothing with their lives. never have and never will. Motorhead is etched in stone and blood for all time.......
I am a frequent poster on this site. This band is trash. Emmure. Fronz. Brb have to go bathe my gam gam or she'll turn off my internets.
What a pssy