Knocked Loose drummer Kevin Kaine addresses anonymous allegations, confirms he has no STDs
A recent post by Kevin "Pacsun" Kaine, drummer of Knocked Loose, aimed to address allegations that have recently circulated on social media platforms such as Reddit and X/Twitter.
The claims, made by an anonymous person on the r/Hardcore Reddit forum, suggested that Kaine engaged in a sexual encounter at a 2021 show, resulting in pregnancy and the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
In his post, Kaine denied these allegations, citing his committed relationship starting in May 2021, and maintains that he had been faithful during that time. He also clarified that no one had approached his ex-girlfriend about the alleged infidelity before the original post was made public.
Seeking to dispel misinformation and provide a clear perspective on the matter, a notes post from Kaine read:
Hi, it's been brought to my attention that a story about me is floating around Reddit and Twitter. I would like to set things straight as this is not an experience that I had. An anonymous person claimed that we met at a show in 2021 and we subsequently had sex in a hotel room and they left pregnant and having contracted STDs.
The first show we played in 2021 was in August. I was in a committed relationship starting in May of that year. I have never been unfaithful to her. There were no sexual partners other than her.
This anonymous person also claimed that they spoke to my girlfriend at the time to let her know that she was cheated on. Coincidentally, my ex and I are very close, just spent the last two days together in Nashville. No one reached out and had a conversation with my ex girlfriend. That was confirmed by her.
To wrap this up, I also have my personal medical results from a general checkup I had dating April of 2024. I do not have any sexually transmitted diseases. Im posting here for clarity.
I absolutely hate that this has gotten to the point where I have to share my personal medical information with strangers on the internet. I feel deeply violated that an anonymous person has made up a story about me that l'm left to answer for. I hope this clears things up.
Additionally, Kaine shared the results of a routine medical checkup from April of 2024, providing evidence that he does not have any STDs.
The lab rests read:
Close Kevin, All your labs look good except your ALT- liver enzyme is just slightly elevated at 43. You can follow this education to improve this Watching your diet can help improve your liver enzymes. The following foods can help improve this: Fish, seafood, fruits, whole grains, nuts, olive oil, vegetables, avocados, legumes. Healthy weight management has been shown to improve the liver enzymes as well. You can also look into the Mediterranean diet. Diet and exercise is key to improving your liver enzymes. Your total cholesterol was elevated at 218 and LDL-bad cholesterol is elevated at 146. I recommend the following education improve this: Increase exercise and work on eating a well-balanced diet. Limit white foods (pasta, bread, rice, potatoes), saturated fats, sugary drinks, and dark meats. Your STD labs came back negative. If you have any further questions or concerns you can reach out.
That original Reddit post referenced by Kainein his response reads:
Warning for other women
I don't know what's going on with Reddit or why my account isn't showing up I didn't delete it's just bugging out somehow. So to start, I am not looking to stir up drama or instigate anything or ruin Knocked Loose's image. I just want to warn other women, I dont want to engage or argue with anyone about what I know happened to me, and I am using this outlet to keep myself anonymous. Again, I have no issue with the rest of KL and was a big fan before but I feel sick knowing this could happen to someone else.
I'll try to keep this short as I am just not comfortable going into all the details. Basically, in 2021 l matched with Kevin Kaine on one of the dating apps, at first I thought maybe it was a fake account but we matched and met up. I had been a fan of KL for years and been to multiples shows/festivals and seen them. And I was interested in him at the time so we matched and talked for a bit and he got me guest listed into a show. I guess they had a day off after performing so they stayed at a hotel. When we met up I was really nervous, I'm not going to lie, he got us drinks and I drank way more than I can handle. He was friendly and everything was okay until we went back to the hotel. There we kept drinking and while he didn't force me I felt like i needed to keep up, not saying thats his fault it was just the situation. We had intercourse and I consented in the beginning but he got too rough for me and I kept tapping him and trying to get him to stop when he had his hands around my neck, I felt like i lost consciouness and things were very in and out for me after that and I remember him finishing. I got sick and threw up in the hotel room, I gathered my stuff and called my mom to get me from the hotel. The sex was unprotected and I had not been with anyone else for probably 2 months before this and a few days later I was very uncomfortable, I had bleeding pus filled sores on my lower half, I went to a clinic and he gave me HSV2 and chlamydia. I have never had an STD before and was in a relationship with someone for over a year prior to this. I was in so much pain for weeks and it got worse and worse. The only way we talked was through the dating app and I felt like shit and knew it wouldn't matter if I reached out, l doubt he'd see it, I'm sure at best he'd just deny having given me anything.
Post CommentSo many questions. Who makes anonymous claims online that someone has STDs? Who would want to be involved with this guy? And who cares?
huh? So many questions. So much confusion about the younger generation and why they feel it's necessary to air dirty laundry on the internet AND why they feel compelled to respond to everything written by everyone. sheesh. SMH
She said it was consensual. Ok so??? He gave you an STD. Thing is you said he had HPV when he doesn't so you Missy are full of shit.
The same idiots that anonymously post made up allegations like that are the same people who are now hating on Jews because it's trendy.
LOL @ this guy being told to eat healthy. No excuse for him not to for the money he makes with Knocked Loose.
Kevin Kaine looks like Silent Bob 😂 From his physical exam results I hereby nickname him Silent Blob.
LOL @ this guy being told to eat healthy. No excuse for him not to for the money he makes with Knocked Loose. ^not everyone wants your cock diet dipshit
The left thinks it's cool to make false accusations because of their mental health disorders…GTFOH
Trying to cancel his arena tour and band for attention the day dates get announced. At this point bands should be kept in a stage on and off stage and never talk to a single fan.
nah lmao this piggy fabricated the whole thing to make it look like he gets laid
Whoever commented about his response is spot on. Giving this slut any attention or credibility to her story and even half heartedly having to defend yourself is a cuck move. Kevin, keep making your money and playing drums and this will go away in a week
Some coworker i hooked up with back in 2010 gave me chlamydia & gonorrhea- took the proper meds and was cleared. Last doc check was early 2023 and I am also STD-free. We all make dumb decisions in life- especially when we are young. Shut the f*ck up and move on.
I want to see what happens when you get Escuela Grind x Knocked Loose
f*ck man even HIV doesn't matter these days. I got HIV like 4-5 years ago and I'm totally asymptomatic. Todays shit is weeker then it used to be, it doesn't even have effects. We're in a golden age right now so you need to take advantage of it.
Dude will be kicked out by Monday. Too much money at stake. Forums already rallying around the chick
Respect to posting something that admits you are an alcoholic who eats like shit. Face the music, insert gun pull trigger.
LOL @ this guy being told to eat healthy. No excuse for him not to for the money he makes with Knocked Loose. ^not everyone wants your cock diet dipshit The only one eating cock between us is you shithead. Real tough behind a keyboard cuz I would wreck you in person. 🤡🫏🐔💩😮🐱🖕
Marty Gilroy here! Maybe lay off the cheeseburgers my man! Come join the gym with me and maybe you'll be able to find ya dick!
The only one eating cock between us is you shithead. Real tough behind a keyboard cuz I would wreck you in person. 🤡🫏🐔💩😮🐱🖕 The worst part is you can't tell if this is the same homo or multiple people doing this shit. I like to think it's the same guy cause he's a total dipshit
Wonder if Brady learned drums at guitar center….could get them a Grammy nod
"pacsun" haha loser. band sucks and is for people who got into screams music during pandemic
When will KL answer for ripping off Bodybox on their latest single?
f*ck man even HIV doesn't matter these days. I got HIV like 4-5 years ago and I'm totally asymptomatic. Todays shit is weeker then it used to be, it doesn't even have effects. We're in a golden age right now so you need to take advantage of it. ^yea guys. All the cool bands have aids nowadays anyways so no biggie. I'm talking KL, bodybox, sanguisugabogg, escuela grind, scowl, peelingflesh, etc etc
"and they left pregnant" She, you pc retard. Unless there were multiple women, which would be hilarious
>I absolutely hate that this has gotten to the point where I have to share my personal medical information with strangers on the internet. I feel deeply violated Holy f*ck, GAY
So she banged some dude claiming to be the drummer of Knocked Loose and has subsequently found out he is in fact not a member of knocked loose and gave her an STD.
These f*cking hipsters play "hardcore" for other hipsters protecting to be "hardcore" but then you try to cancel one of them and they go full on NPR genderqueer Reddit mod. Fake band, fake scene
"I dont have an STD and but I do have type 2 diabetes"
" anonymous 3 hours ago Wonder if Brady learned drums at guitar center….could get them a Grammy nod" Sam Ash going out of business and shit.
HIV doesn't turn into Aids most of the time anymore. So just because you have HIV doesn't mean shit. I can party, I can hook up, I just tell people my status and let them make a decision, most just say yes. And why not? Im healthier then most so in the end they just want it either way. Look it up. HIV and aids isn't even the same disease. So this bitch got tricked and talking about some cold sores or some shit? Who gives a f*ck? Thats not even a std
Imagine f*cking this dude or what you thought was this dude and telling the world. HAHAHA
That dude DEFINITELY has the AIDS. Not the good kind either.
Sue him in New York for defamation. E Jean Carrol Style. Get him like we got Trump!! We gots legal precedent for HUGE money damages. You can't deny a r*pe without defaming the accuser.
In California you don't legally have to tell your casual sex partners that you have HIV. It's great and I do it all the time
Who takes a reddit post seriously, especially from one claiming to be a woman with assault charges? f*cking clown world shit
Why does he think posting his medical results from 2024 clears him from possibly giving a girl an STD 3 years prior?
No gmails coming from you tough guys threatening to crush skulls = beta boys who work at Dairy Queen.
It's so easy nowadays. Just make a post. And lie your tits off.
this boko haram looking mother f*cker impregnated a girl and infected her with aids the same god damn night, been fleeing the charges for 2+ years while taking megadoses of antivirals to get his viral load count low enough to pass this std test and try to prove his innocence. 2 god damn years. bitch if you so innocent then post your std panel from 2 years ago. oh wait you can't cuz it's the one that says you got full blown aids? see that's how we know you lying. i want 2 dna tests. one from the baby momma doctor and one from this so called innocent fella and let's see what it say.
anonymous 14 hours ago The only one eating cock between us is you shithead. Real tough behind a keyboard cuz I would wreck you in person. 🤡🫏🐔💩😮🐱🖕 The worst part is you can't tell if this is the same homo or multiple people doing this shit. I like to think it's the same guy cause he's a total dipshit ^ he's autistic and can't work or support himself so he spends all his time getting in arguments over bullshit on here. Hence the constant emojis and stunted vocabulary
Why does he think posting his medical results from 2024 clears him from possibly giving a girl an STD 3 years prior? Cuz if he gave her HPV like she claims it would come up in his medical results as HPV is for life. Are you this stupid in real life?
R/hardcore is a shitposting group lmaoooooooo this is f*cking hilarious
^ Medical professional here. That's not true at all. HPV is a chameleon in these panels and you get false negatives and false positives all the time. It's possible he has HPV and it didn't show up. It's also possible that she NEVER HAD HPV and got a false positive on one test and never got retested with a high M-factor test since it's expensive. Especially for people in poverty without insurance.
The only person I know who gets me drunk and stds is Gunnar from fly over states
Can't wait to quote this article in future lambgoat posts for the next decade
Lurk the ads are so bad in the comment section, fix it! I want to read more comments about how fat silent bob is but ads are jamming me up
The only one eating cock between us is you shithead. Real tough behind a keyboard cuz I would wreck you in person. 🤡🫏🐔💩😮🐱🖕 ^this retard has aids. I'm hiv positive about it
I can't f*cking wait for Trump to be president again!!!
^ Medical professional here. That's not true at all. HPV is a chameleon in these panels and you get false negatives and false positives all the time. It's possible he has HPV and it didn't show up. It's also possible that she NEVER HAD HPV and got a false positive on one test and never got retested with a high M-factor test since it's expensive. Especially for people in poverty without insurance. ^^^reading Mayo Clinic does not count as professional experience lmao. This shithole really is becoming Reddit. Way to ignore every other f*cking hole in the story, now flip my burger over "medical professional".
anonymous 1 day ago Why does he think posting his medical results from 2024 clears him from possibly giving a girl an STD 3 years prior? Bitch there's no "clearing" needed here, theres no "possibility" of him doing that just from anonymous words on a screen. Lmao why do I even need to explain this
"Why does he think posting his medical results from 2024 clears him from possibly giving a girl an STD 3 years prior?" Sounds like it's curable and not a big deal! Unless he gave dat bitch f*ckin AIDS and then the joke on him too!!!
Believe women. He's guilty, 100%. He also probably did something much worse that wasn't mentioned due to the sensitive nature. As a result, the band should break up immediately and commit their lives to a monastery somewhere in southwest Asia, freeing us from their dogshit music.
Why does he think posting his medical results from 2024 clears him from possibly giving a girl an STD 3 years prior? Because she didn't claim he gave her HPV like all the retards in the comments are saying, she said HSV-2, which is genital herpes. He thinks showing that doctors message clears him but it doesn't, you typically only test positive if you have an outbreak. So he just timed it right to clear himself and shared it for everyone because he was scared they'd find out the truth. That's most likely what happened here.
I'm starting to think everyone in the comments has herpes from how little you seem to know. "MaYBe He CuReD iT?!" No retards. You don't cure herpes. That's what she said "HSV-2" not "HPV" Which you can't cure HPV either but holy f*ck yall are f*cking stupid.
Because she didn't claim he gave her HPV like all the retards in the comments are saying, she said HSV-2, which is genital herpes. STFU when neither is curable dipshit. Bottom line he didn't give her either or it'd come up in his results.
The point is SHE f*ckING LIED and made up an entire SIDE STORY ABOUT HIS ex. The STD part might as well be as real as Santa Claus regardless of how much you "picked up" mopping the floors and tweaking your nipples at the children's hospital you sniveling retard.
"The point is SHE f*ckING LIED and made up an entire SIDE STORY ABOUT HIS ex. The STD part might as well be as real as Santa Claus regardless of how much you "picked up" mopping the floors and tweaking your nipples at the children's hospital you sniveling retard." ^^^^ Incel spotted
^I'm a chick and well, I wouldn't have sex with you but you did give me r*pe eyes and beam AIDS into my brain. Nothing you do will ever disprove it.
"^I'm a chick and well, I wouldn't have sex with you but you did give me r*pe eyes and beam AIDS into my brain. Nothing you do will ever disprove it." As long as it cancels shit bands.
"No retards. You don't cure herpes." [Citation Needed]
Unfortunately we must believe women without any evidence just like Kevin did when his friend Zach Dear was accused. I expect Knocked Loose to disband in the next 24 hours.