Post Commenttextbook example of never asked for by anyone
I heard the reason why it took 10 years to write/record/release was because the Rose City Skinheads did not give their approval. Zeuss smartened up and paid up $$$$$. Now everything cool.
"Textbook example of never asked for by anyone" haha ohhh new jacks who come in the hardcore scene out of nowhere and think they're all that and a bag of potato chips just because they been listening to music for a year or two that they used to make fun of. Go back to being stoked on new Code Orange, Harms Way or some other boring sh!t
Joe Hardcore here. Look at me digging up dirt and trying to shame Harley Flanagan over an interview taken from a 35 year old zine. Hey remember that time I chased a dude to his car, and the dude literally shot and killed one of my crew members? Hey remember when my gang was responsible for the death of a concert goer over a shirt? Hey remember when I Was sued for beating someone half to death with a bat? Remember when a kid was put into a coma at my show? Remember Boston beat down volume 1?
Joe Hardcore here again. Hey remember when DMS put me in my place?
A 20 plus minute hardcore juggernaut... How about Carry On's - A Life Less Plagued 18 minute plus TWELVE song juggernaut.
I don't remember Todd Jones approving of this.
"Hey remember when my gang was responsible for the death of a concert goer over a shirt? " In all fairness, anyone dumb enough to see any of these bands isn't a big loss if they take a dirtnap.
They're putting out their first album in almost a decade and all they're putting out/could come up with which they feel is worth releasing is 20+ minutes of music, so not even a half-hour of music. And with only eight songs not even as many songs as years it's been since their last release. LOL, SMH & HIU (hang it up.)
I heard the daughter of their bassist passed away
Joe Hardcore here. Look at me digging up dirt and trying to shame Harley Flanagan over an interview taken from a 35 year old zine.>> Yet selectively omits that Bad Brains put out a homophobic song "Don't Blow Bubbles" on their 1989 album Quickness, and who knows what they think of gay people including their friend John Joseph.
Three members of DMS lured a man to a playground and beat him to death for being gay in July 1990. Google Esat Bici. Esat jumped bail, fled to country to Mexico, and was thankfully killed there. https://www.nytimes.com/20 02/10/13/nyregion/a-fugiti ve-in-the-murder-of-a-gay- man-is-found-slain.html This was the first crime considered a "hate crime" but I'm unsure if it was offically classified as such. Lowlife scumbags!
This band sucks so bad their website is dbdeurope.com cuz no one in the United States cares about them anymore. The only way they get shows in the U.S. is when Black 'N' Blue or some dckhead in Boston books them. DBD are leftover FSU meatheads and not even as it's maybe one guy at this point.
harms way > death before dishonor >>> This is like saying dry shit is better than wet shit since dry shit has no smell. They both suck ass and need to call it a day.
Joe Hardcore calling out Harley for homophobia from who knows how many years ago is laughable when he booked Regulate whose drummer Harry publically, officially admitted to sexually assaulting a girl. So homophobia sucks but attempted abuse is cool to Joe HC. Nevermind that this dck still calls himself "Joe Hardcore" at age 38/39/40 (how old is this turd?)
Yo Joe McKay (his real last name so can you blame him for replacing it with "Hardcore"?) remember when your boy John Joseph once said a tsunami in Japan which killed hundreds if not thousands of people was "karma" for Japan killing dolphins? I do. Remember when you went on Gangland to glorify your FBI file gang FSU? I do. So who the fck are you to judge? How's that glass house you live in?
Isn't Joe Hardcore from Philly?>> Yeah and he was an absolute show/venue-killing turd when he first came on the scene.
This is Corey Taylor. You want a villain? I'll give you a villain
Lol at the Boston hardcore scene and all the degenerates in it past and present
All these kids need to go back to listening to turnstile, cold as life, cold world, code orange, vein, harms way, knocked loose, queensway, and all the other newer boring bands they're always babbling about. Chances are all of you got into hardcore within the last 5 years, go listen to Cro Mags and take care of your fat girlfriend
joe hardcore shark teeth is stoked the hardcore scene in 2018 is full of dckriders and nerds everybody suckin that band regulate is an ajerk united blood fest isaa show for tryhards posers
This band is so freaking boring and cookie cutter. Dipwads and crew affiliated clownshoes are stoked
"They're putting out their first album in almost a decade and all they're putting out/could come up with which they feel is worth releasing is 20+ minutes of music, so not even a half-hour of music. And with only eight songs not even as many songs as years it's been since their last release. LOL, SMH & HIU (hang it up.)" beats terror or whatever band putting out the same terrible album year after year. I could name 5 bands you love that don't do as much but still play shows on occasion
Gets beat up at show once. Becomes bitter and post anonymously forever.
Cold as life isnt a new band you utter moron.
Hey remember when Joe Hardcore laughed at and mocked dozens of people who were burned alive at a rave? Said it was a good thing they lost their lives. Wow what a great guy. Stand up guy yo
In all fairness, anyone dumb enough to see any of these bands isn't a big loss if they take a dirtnap. The guy wasnt a hardcore fan or in any way related to hardcore scene , just in the wrong place at wrong time. Killed by a blood thirsty low life asian poser named franklin
We fall victim to Joes lies no more... wise to da game. We fall victim to joes lies no more! Wise to da game. Everybody!
I didn't mean to add Cold As Life, was thinking of another band. But they're shit as well. It's okay
All these dorks seem to care enough to post on the comment thread though. DBD thanks you for the views on their Ad. Mindless trolls.
someone got hit at a DBD show and hasn't stopped crying since
one life crew here, can't we all just hold hands?
Almost a decade for a 20 minute album? Are they even trying anymore? Way to phone it in guys!
Joe hardcore was never a 90s FSU member, core and original FSU members date back to late 80s and by the time the late 90s came around many younger brothers of the original members were being let in..they were in their early to mid teens. The means to unite were already in progress by the time Joe "Has to take control of everything" HC stepped in. Elgin's boys and such had already moved on...
No problem on the ad revenue. Hope they enjoy the 0.01 cents
beats terror or whatever band putting out the same terrible album year after year I could name 5 bands you love that don't do as much but still play shows on occasion >> Ok name these five bands mindreader, I need a laugh. Terror doesn't put out a bad album year after year they put out a bad album every 3-4 years haha. Another band who needs to hang it up along with DBD.
someone got hit at a DBD show and hasn't stopped crying since >> Nope, and get some new material.
Joe hardcore was never a 90s FSU member, core and original FSU members date back to late 80s and by the time the late 90s came around many younger brothers of the original members were being let in..they were in their early to mid teens. The means to unite were already in progress by the time Joe "Has to take control of everything" HC stepped in. Elgin's boys and such had already moved on... ^^^^^^ This loser's boyfriend left him.
Gets beat up at show once. Becomes bitter and post anonymously forever.>> ...says the anonymous shitstain who got beat up and is self-projecting. DBD ain't gonna fck you bro.
Joe hardcore was never a 90s FSU member, core and original FSU members date back to late 80s and by the time the late 90s came around many younger brothers of the original members were being let in..they were in their early to mid teens. The means to unite were already in progress by the time Joe "Has to take control of everything" HC stepped in. Elgin's boys and such had already moved on...>> Yeah moved on from ruining Boston hardcore.
Almost a decade for a 20 minute album? Are they even trying anymore? Way to phone it in guys!>> Right? It's as if they said "we haven't put out a new record in almost a decade so we better put one out so we're not an official bad joke."
Joe HxC ? @Thejoehardcore 2h2 hours ago More Imagine needing to be anon on @lambgoat in 2019 to run your mouth.>> Hey Joe imagine being a piece of shit running his mouth about people burning to death at a rave 3000 miles away not to their loved ones and friends' faces? Imagine if I wasn't anonymous and I just knocked you into next month? It could happen.
May the ghost of Omar Higgins forever haunt you
i got a cold sore in my mouth and I keep poking it with my tongue but thats not gonna help
DBDs new bass player is like 23 and from Ohio. He hasn't done shit except book some shows 5 years ago anddckride his way into popular bands. Your time is up austin
hey joe imagine being a total fcking loser. kill yourself lol
hey joe imagine being 40 and the only people who respect you are 20 lol
^She's older though so shes smart enough to at least know who he is and what hes about. These young girls that put him on a pedestal don't.
Kris Mission here. Just want to let you all know we didn't want Joe to join FSU. He forced himself upon us and road all our coat-tails. He then embarrassed himself on the Gangland episode. Can't wait for DBD to be back in Brockton. Might have to get Diecast to play. Stay Tuned. XoXo KM
Madi from YOTK here ;D Everyone in these comments should be ashamed. Joe is a totally respectable person! You wouldn't say that to his face! He'll give you a dose of street justice, something I know nothing about since I come from suburban Delaware. Anyway, buy my dumb "sweetwear" so I can pay my bills instead of working a real job like the rest of you shmucks
Y'all wanna be friends with and/or bang Madi so bad. So obsessed.
Y'all wanna be friends with and/or bang Madi so bad. So obsessed. shes objectively attractive, so yeah i'd bang but that doesn't mean I don't think she paints an annoying picture of herself that is simultaneously a woke SJW and someone that backtards violent criminals. Oh wait, that's fcking 90% of the "hardcore" scene these days. A walking contradiction.
^plus its funny seeing how butthurt her and big toughguy joe get over the fcking comment section of a lambgoat artcle. People continue to talk shit because you give a reaction
Old School Alex left the scene entirely. Whatever happened to Kris Mission? Whatever happened to Rich Broph?
I only know that kris mission booked some fest years ago, and ran off with all the money. Disapeared from hardcore after that. I remember reading on b9 that some vands he ripped off showed up to his house and he escaped by jumping out the window
For someone who apparently doesn't give a fck about lambgoat, Joe Hardcore surely does seem to give a fck about what is being said here.
^that's why we keep making fun of him. Hes so oblivious to the most basic bullying tactic
Joe has a superiority complex. He thinks he can talk shit on anyone he wants including victims that perished in a horrible fire. But he turns into a baby if anyone calls him out, disagrees, or exposes his extreme hypocriscy
I heard if you play tihc and dont shout out / thank joe onstage he wont book you again.
^^^ Cuz he knows it's true. Take away doing shows and he's nothing but an opinionated blowhard. He owes his entire showbooking existence to Sean Agnew and now Bowery Presents. Both bankroll him. He's a lucky punkass bitch.
Joe has a superiority complex. He thinks he can talk shit on anyone he wants including victims that perished in a horrible fire. But he turns into a baby if anyone calls him out, disagrees, or exposes his extreme hypocriscy >> He needs a beating for that. It's all good he'll talk shit about the wrong person one day, or he already did and will catch one. He thinks he's the baddest guy in hardcore when he can be knocked out with one punch like anyone else could.
^She's older though so shes smart enough to at least know who he is and what hes about. These young girls that put him on a pedestal don't.>> And yet she married him SMH. I bet one big reason why she did is she doesn't want kids and he doesn't want any more kids, so he's the perfect person to settle down with. I mean would you want to have kids with this guy and have the top or bottom half of your first child's face look like his?
Hey Joe imagine fcking all those hot 20 year old philly hardcore girls. That's all you can do is imagine, because they'd never actually let your sweaty concrete-crusted micropenis anywhere near their young, yet heavily abused creases >> LMAO that you are combining a put down of Joe Hardcore with an allusion to his job as a union laborer and a recent concrete job he did he posted on his Twitter.
Even funnier is he's 40 or pushing 40 and STILL a laborer which is an overpaid glorified construction site maid/butler/driver/gofer. I bet he still gets coffee and lunch for the crew LOL.
I heard if you play tihc and dont shout out / thank joe onstage he wont book you again.>> No need to shout out Joe since every opener pays him to play TIH.
Joe Hardcore books This Is Hardcore Fest at a venue owned and booked by Bowery Presents. What do they need him for when they could book their own hardcore fest at their own club? His value to them is getting bands to take less than half the door and what would he do if he said no? Book TIHC elsewhere in Philly? Where? Bowery Presents owns and books thus controls ALL the big venues in the city. Joe has zero leverage. He's a broker who brokers the biggest take for Bowery Presents.
A walking contradiction.>> Madi (short for Madison?) once bitched about how promoters don't book bands with women in them then said don't book a band cuz a woman is in it. Which is it moron? Do you want bands to be booked for their music or do you want them to be booked cuz women are in it? I believe in booking them for the former.
I dont agree with the mocking of his real job. At least he works
https://twitter.com/Thejoe hardcore/status/1130673198 608113666 Imagine being a white guy from Louisville, Kentucky posting on Twitter under the name "life's noose" AND sucking up to Joe Hardcore like in this Twitter thread. This suckup actually has the word "noose" in his Twitter name SMH.
Joeyhipster this is your dentist it's urgent !please call !
Harley and rocky george gon beat that ass joe
Joey hipstercore always falsely advertising bands Cro mags aren't playing hipster core fest it's cro scabz jm He's done this with several other bands like his tribute band shattered realm. Not one original member lol merauder not one original member Joey hipster is a fraud A rat A snitch A traitor An informant He laughs at people who died in a fire This dude is trash Loyalty ? Joe is loyal to the money Fame He wants so bad to b the big man
Lars fredrikson the multi millionaire skinhead poser here. Yo my skinhead brothers have it rough out there. I paid 30, 000 dollars to join dms. Up the skinz. Working class
Are the other guys in old firm casuals posers as well?
Old man vogel has had his eye on Madi for a long time.. hes been waiting patiently
Shes ripe for settling down for marriage and babies and stories of her wild youth to her Montessori moms group.
Old man vogel has had his eye on Madi for a long time.. hes been waiting patiently >> What woman would want a relationship with him? He's on the road with Terror 200 days a year and has no desire to get a real job.
What happened to that scary neck tat FSU bassist from dbd? Is he pushing concrete with joe now
Dude, Vogel IS in a relationship with a bald woman.
The scary necktat had a kid with Candace Walls of Jericho before she divorced him and started doing squats and dead lifts all day.
Oh, and he now plays guitar for DBD instead of bass.
Life's Noose here. (Joe Hardcore brown noser). Come check out my band Ceilings yo. We will be opening for the mighty Floors, and Walls is also on the bill. Trying to get Front Door on this bill as well.
Life's Noose here. (Joe Hardcore brown noser). Come check out my band Ceilings yo. We will be opening for the mighty Floors, and Walls is also on the bill. Trying to get Front Door on this bill as well.>> Don't forget Doorknobs, Window Grate, Railings, and last but not least the one you've been waiting for (I can't believe the usual dude who posts it isn't here)...SHEETROCK!
Just when I think the losers at B9 could not get more washed up . . .
^^^ Yeah you'd know since you're one of them.
Kris Mission here. Punch the clown reunion will be surprise headliner of tihc 2020
Madi is fcking smokin but only as a blonde #incelsdiscussion
joey hipster approves