Post CommentHow many times have these gays broken up and got back together? 3 times? fck off.
Band member parents are not stoked. Hot Topic applications are stoked.
pretty sure this joke of a band has broken up a couple times already your band sucks when the plot in you writes better music than you......
I usually c-m in water bottles, but this deserves toes.
They finally realized sleeping in a van in a Walmart parking lot and making $5,000 a year isn't the best life choice. For The Fallen Dreams should be next...
"I hope they don't break up"- said no one ever.
8 years? i must have blinked and missed to the whole thing
Pretty sure For the Fallen Dreams makes more than that. Not defending their terrible music, but they probably get $200-300 a night and sell some merch.
never heard of no care evarrr nice press release. Twitter Frip
No I heard For The Fallen dreams gets payed in c-m.
I noticed your band is on the roster for the dance auditions after school today. Why even bother, McFly? You don't have a chance. You're too much like your old man. No McFly ever amounted to anything in the history of Hill Valley
For The Fallen Dreams gets payed in neck tats and Tom Denny's taint sweat.
Pretty sure For the Fallen Dreams makes more than that. Not defending their terrible music, but they probably get $200-300 a night and sell some merch. ^^^^ Unlikely. The 90s are over and have been for awhile.
I heard that For The Fallen Dreams gets payed in Pap smears and enemas.
Tom Denny wrote and recorded all the songs on the nfew ftfd album then he bragged about guns and jordans.
anonymous 10 hours ago the band broke up before their eyes hahaha!
Haha. Actually For the fallen dreams probably gets closer to $5000 a night. They blow dick but they're pretty big.
Haha. Actually For the fallen dreams probably gets closer to $5000 a night. They blow dick but they're pretty big. Hate to break it to ya smalls....but bands like this who are "big"as you define it don't make much money at all. With the cost of touring, management, merch rates...etc... they are lucky to break even let alone make enough that would equal what a minimum wage job would pay.
Lol holy shit $5000 what a fcking idiot. I'm guessing DeFonce told you that? DEFONCED.
" Hate to break it to ya smalls....but bands like this who are "big"as you define it don't make much money at all. With the cost of touring, management, merch rates...etc... they are lucky to break even let alone make enough that would equal what a minimum wage job would pay." this statement is true but the $5000.00 guarantee part is laughably wrong.
I am from Ohio and what is a Before Their Eyes
Umm how bout you guys just stop hating on Before Their Eyes!!! Seriously just stop it...just because you've never heard of the band doesn't mean they don't exist. I go to school with one of the guitar players from this band. And they're quite good. Just because they aren't as big as fallen dreams doesn't mean worth crap!! Stop comparing Before Their Eyes to fallen dreams because one is "big" time and the other is "small" time....two totally different things!!!!!!!
Good music IS before their eyes........ Ok........I know good music when I hear it....so everyone take a chill pill . Its unfortunate they r breaking up and if got nothing nice to say dont say ANYTHING at all cant we b nice and get along
whose eyes?