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SunnyvaleTrash comments

DillTronic 1/18/2009 8:32:09 PM

yo word, I play tf2 on pc. this is way late, but my steam id - 1:8652643

blackcockdown 1/18/2009 3:10:08 PM

gayget gayget gayget

elephant_coup 1/10/2009 9:19:00 AM

you're tellin' me. i wish they would do a last show but they never will.

poopinmyeyes 12/18/2008 8:04:07 AM

kisss me or I'll crush you

The_Suit 12/16/2008 11:50:27 PM

Solid dude with good taste. Keep posting.

vegard 12/16/2008 8:39:01 PM

so were the trailer park boys. respect!

rogue_deadguy 12/3/2008 2:35:15 PM

nice dude. but you are still a gay for hanging on the internet with the likes of these cretins V

le_cunt 12/1/2008 4:58:02 PM


huggies 12/1/2008 12:13:14 PM

a nice person.

seanbomb23 11/30/2008 1:27:03 AM

Uphill Battle was great. I hope you got the chance to see them.

eos_emissio 11/28/2008 12:52:19 PM

Favorite poster, stand out guy, one of the only people who make this board even remotely bearable. Thanks.

I_AM_FUCK 10/30/2008 3:47:27 PM

My fellow comic book nerd.

worldsnake 10/6/2008 1:16:29 PM

let's hug it out bitch....com'ere....there you go....i knoww...im sorry...you want the biddy?

BloodGutter 9/25/2008 5:50:18 PM

NO THX!!!!!

ed_money 9/17/2008 11:17:08 AM

Massive appreciation

xrepresentx 9/16/2008 10:22:15 AM

you look like you can take a c-ck pretty good

lordofthefuckingrim 9/7/2008 8:46:43 PM

but mister lahey, I want some PREPARED cheeseburgers!!!

gayboysdreams 9/6/2008 5:41:22 AM

Your one ugly f*ck.... You know that?

Tinfins 8/21/2008 11:52:07 AM

I like your facial hair

BIGTAKEOVER 8/10/2008 2:54:24 AM

the only f*cking nice person left on this board.

drawnQ 8/7/2008 12:43:56 PM

cool dude

minus 8/6/2008 4:28:29 PM

Thanks, dude. You're pretty cool yourself

sxecrackhead 8/4/2008 7:27:47 PM

mm....nutella. <3 :D

youeatdickbeats_7 7/25/2008 11:05:18 PM

i would cross the border for you

stuartdbdd 7/17/2008 8:13:48 PM

i wish trap them would play around here.