6/21/2006 7:24:47 AM
You know, you're definitely not as bad as everyone makes you out to be. tr00f be told, anyway...
4/14/2006 5:12:52 PM
*sticks self in you, pumps you while you lay like a dead dog*
3/22/2006 6:20:42 AM
Yoooo Tima. Lets see if this works... yeah that message is still saved. I listen to it religiously.
3/17/2006 10:52:11 AM
I like you a lot more than i used to <3
1/7/2006 10:26:25 PM
hi tima! cheer up and find positivity in your life, ok
11/17/2005 1:26:39 AM
hell yeah man. ive been on lg over a year before you. i should be the one with all the posts. but no. you have no life. eat aids and live the gayry!!
11/16/2005 4:56:16 PM
those were the bands i was really into at the time and i'm not gonna put obscure bands on there to look cool. oh and wouldn't the IT bands be metalcore bands?
I'm not harry :)