Hardcore News and Metal News
Lambgoat counts upon your input to keep our news as timely and extensive as possible. Please don't hesitate to submit anything you deem to be newsworthy.Sepultura to tour Europe in May 4/3/2001 7:50:00 AM
Cave In entering studio next month 4/3/2001 7:50:00 AM
Discordance Axis calling it quits 4/2/2001 8:46:00 AM
Zao & NWBD to tour this summer 3/31/2001 12:24:00 PM
Pantera and Slayer tour schedule 3/31/2001 12:23:00 PM
Fairweather's upcoming shows 3/31/2001 12:22:00 PM
Botch update and show schedule 3/30/2001 5:24:00 PM
Twelve Tribes news and notes 3/30/2001 7:45:00 AM
Tool begins shooting new video 3/29/2001 7:26:00 AM
Stretch Arm Strong news & notes 3/28/2001 7:29:00 AM
Glassjaw to enter studio this summer 3/28/2001 7:28:00 AM
At The Drive In going on hiatus 3/28/2001 7:26:00 AM
Victory inks the Hoods & Student Rick 3/26/2001 9:54:00 PM
More info on Taken's upcoming LP 3/26/2001 9:53:00 PM
Sick Of It All & The Hope Conspiracy tour schedule 3/26/2001 9:50:00 PM
Elliot set to tour US in April & May 3/24/2001 11:51:00 AM
Upcoming Haste appearances 3/24/2001 11:47:00 AM
Candiria album tracklisting & more 3/23/2001 7:43:00 AM
Shadows Fall drops off Opeth tour 3/23/2001 7:42:00 AM
Spark Lights The Friction update 3/23/2001 7:41:00 AM
Vision Of Disorder news & notes 3/23/2001 7:40:00 AM
Bloodjinn & Azazel on 4-way split 3/22/2001 7:18:00 AM
Throwdown maps out mini-tour 3/22/2001 7:18:00 AM
ANKOAS decides to call it quits 3/22/2001 7:16:00 AM
Every Time I Die enters studio 3/21/2001 7:28:00 AM