Post Commentsecond wow another hxc sxe vegan gay starting a label?
I thought Aram already owned Anchor Records? Oh well, this is awesome news and Get the Most are an incredible band. Aram should put out Circles next recording too.
I wish I cared...well no actually I'm glad I DON'T care.
Get stoked! Aram's my favorite straight edge mega star!
The Straight Edge? The fck is this guy smoking??
The Straight Edge is for people who are successful with females.
YouAreSceneAsfck 11/21/2007 1:30:23 PM The Straight Edge is for people who are successful with females. hahahahahahahaha
Aram is fcking aces. Hope this goes well for him.
Get The Most is really good, so I'm interested to see where this goes
lartsa 11/21/2007 4:33:17 PM lol @ THE STRAIGHT EDGE/// I don't understand why it's so funny that he said The Straight Edge.. that's not uncommon.
i find it sad and telling that people on a hardcore-oriented website would scoff at any ideals that people have gained from this music. hardcore is more than tunes to some of us, so big ups to aram. get the most is rad.
Just what the world needs. Pure gay.
you really have to capitalize The before Straight Edge, eh? SERIOUS BUSINESS.
being straight edge and/or "vegan", isnt changing anything in the world..
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first post champiownnn