NewsNovember 21, 2007 1:27 PM ET7,606 views

Champion guitarist starts record label

Champion guitarist Aram Arslanian, who has also done time in Betrayed and The First Step (among others) has started a new record label called React Records. Arslanian elaborates on his motivation: "Hardcore has had a huge impact on my life and has introduced me to a worldwide community of like-minded people trying to make a positive change in the world. It's provided me with an outlet of expression, introduced me to life changing ideas like The Straight Edge and Vegetarianism, and has given me the opportunity to do and see some amazing things. I want others to have that same experience so to me React is more than a label, it's my way of supporting bands that I feel not only embody the same value system and energy that first attracted me into this scene but who also encourage self reflection and personal growth as a means to changing the world around us." The label's first release will be a vinyl EP from Canadian hardcore/punk outfit Get The Most (ex-Blue Monday). You can check out two tracks from the effort here.


Post Comment

GEESE_ 11/21/2007 10:31:53 AM

first post champiownnn

justhaveheart 11/21/2007 10:48:16 AM

second wow another hxc sxe vegan gay starting a label?

Forever_True 11/21/2007 11:08:39 AM

if i still bought vinyl i'd be excited

deadchinadoll 11/21/2007 11:34:55 AM

The Straight Edge!

caseyfuckingjones 11/21/2007 11:47:03 AM

I thought Aram already owned Anchor Records? Oh well, this is awesome news and Get the Most are an incredible band. Aram should put out Circles next recording too.

fsovercrooks 11/21/2007 12:19:41 PM

I wish I cared...well no actually I'm glad I DON'T care.

Raw_Mike 11/21/2007 12:42:52 PM

Get stoked! Aram's my favorite straight edge mega star!

southside 11/21/2007 1:26:45 PM

fully backed.

deez_nutz 11/21/2007 1:27:20 PM

The Straight Edge? The fck is this guy smoking??

YouAreSceneAsFuck 11/21/2007 1:30:23 PM

The Straight Edge is for people who are successful with females.

pongo_pigmayis 11/21/2007 1:56:32 PM

YouAreSceneAsfck 11/21/2007 1:30:23 PM The Straight Edge is for people who are successful with females. hahahahahahahaha

elginhxc 11/21/2007 2:30:15 PM

This has potential to be good

xGETEVENx 11/21/2007 3:39:51 PM

Aram is fcking aces. Hope this goes well for him.

lartsa 11/21/2007 4:33:17 PM


fatherrussia 11/21/2007 5:01:23 PM

Get The Most is really good, so I'm interested to see where this goes

Tishalulle 11/21/2007 5:51:01 PM

No care...

Snakes_McFadden 11/21/2007 5:57:46 PM

HA HA! Wow! Just wow!

vtacore 11/21/2007 6:35:12 PM

lartsa 11/21/2007 4:33:17 PM lol @ THE STRAIGHT EDGE/// I don't understand why it's so funny that he said The Straight Edge.. that's not uncommon.

stolenbirds 11/21/2007 8:13:52 PM

i find it sad and telling that people on a hardcore-oriented website would scoff at any ideals that people have gained from this music. hardcore is more than tunes to some of us, so big ups to aram. get the most is rad.

Flamboyant_Cowboy 11/21/2007 8:56:23 PM

Just what the world needs. Pure gay.

xvegeedgex 11/21/2007 9:57:37 PM

you really have to capitalize The before Straight Edge, eh? SERIOUS BUSINESS.

xthesebrokenarmsx 11/22/2007 2:33:58 PM

fcking sweet!

chas 11/22/2007 9:08:41 PM

being straight edge and/or "vegan", isnt changing anything in the world..

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