NewsJune 9, 2006 10:22 PM ET9,177 views

Slayer announces record title, release date

Official press release: "Christ Illusion" has been confirmed as the title of the new Slayer album, it has been announced, and the CD's release date is now confirmed for August 8, 2006. "Christ Illusion" is Slayer's first new studio album since 2001, and the first recorded by the band's original line-up - Kerry King/guitars; Tom Araya/bass, vocals; Jeff Hanneman/guitars; Dave Lombardo/drums - since 1990's "Seasons In The Abyss." "Christ Illusion" was produced by Josh Abraham and executive produced by Rick Rubin, and will be released on Slayer's long-time label, Rubin's American Recordings/Warner Bros. Records. "Christ Illusion" deals with familiar Slayer themes - god, religion, hate, and war. Song titles are "Flesh Storm," "Catalyst," "Eyes of the Insane," "Jihad," "Skeleton Christ," "Consfearacy," "Black Serenade," " Catatonic," "Cult," and "Supremist." According to Araya, "No one is going to be disappointed, it's going to blow everybody away. It's fast, heavy, and maybe faster than anything we've done before." "It's a good mix of fast, brutal music and slower moodier stuff, it's pretty intense," added King. "It sounds like a damn Slayer record." A core player in Slayer's history has also rejoined the team for the "Christ Illusion" project. Larry Carroll, who did the cover artwork for "Reign in Blood," "South of Heaven," and "Seasons In the Abyss," has painted an original piece for the "Christ Illusion" cover. Working only from the song titles and early lyrics, Carroll has produced a classic Slayer masterpiece - a portrait of the Christ - whose forearms have been chopped off - standing in an ocean of blood surrounded by floating, decapitated heads. Carroll created the painting on a 4-by-4-foot slab of wood using a combination of mediums. King already has placed dibs on ownership of the original wooden canvas. Slayer will headline this summer's six-week-plus "Unholy Alliance Tour: Preaching To The Perverted," which features Lamb of God, Children of Bodom, Mastodon, and Thine Eyes Bleed, and kicks off at the Tweeter Center in Camden, NJ next Thursday, June 15.


Post Comment

juiCEY 6/9/2006 7:27:33 PM

first post. SLAYER BANE

bodies_in_the_gears 6/9/2006 7:31:06 PM

It's fast, heavy, and maybe faster than anything we've done before." they always fcking say that...

ihatemusic 6/9/2006 7:40:15 PM

why such hate of God?

janitor_joe 6/9/2006 7:42:38 PM

this band was lame in 1990. just stop.

sharkfight 6/9/2006 7:46:15 PM

this will provide nothing new or exciting to the music world.

LEX_LUGER 6/9/2006 7:51:29 PM

What kind of fcking record is it supposed to sound like?

_AND_ 6/9/2006 8:02:09 PM

ihatemusic 6/9/2006 7:40:15 PM why such hate of God? whay such hate of music?! delete. bane.

captnigga 6/9/2006 8:09:18 PM

unbelievably gay

Har_Har 6/9/2006 8:31:20 PM

It's fast, heavy, and maybe faster than anything we've done before." "It's a good mix of fast, brutal music and slower moodier stuff, it's pretty intense," - - - so it's faster then anything before, yet mixes in slower, moodier stuff, ok.........

sadam_andler 6/9/2006 8:47:33 PM


Strongarm 6/9/2006 9:22:58 PM

Slayer probably influenced EVERY band you gays listen to..

punksucksgo 6/9/2006 9:33:59 PM

"slayer was lame in 1990"------hahahahahahahahahaahahahaha

strik9 6/9/2006 9:37:07 PM

sounds like it may have promising cover art tho guys... so lets hope for that

AIDSmuppet 6/9/2006 9:55:47 PM

cool, i was hoping theyd finally release a record about war & religon

omgwhatacoolx 6/9/2006 9:58:18 PM

fck all you guys, slayer is good. they put out a couple shitty albums, but i think this one could be better, considering "seasons in the abyss" was the last good thing they put out.

picturesofme 6/9/2006 10:33:19 PM

I'm furiously anticipating this

ColeyThrash 6/9/2006 11:30:37 PM

Know your fcking roots kids. If you don't dig the music, that's your thing, but if you wish they broke up in the early 90's, I urge you to reconsider. For if they did, chances are you favorite band wouldn't exist right now.

TheWood 6/9/2006 11:45:06 PM

The fellow above has just dropped some serious knowledge.

KillaKam_216 6/10/2006 12:54:28 AM

more Slayer..more greatness

xscarlitox 6/10/2006 12:57:05 AM

All of you gays that think it's some how funny to hate on this band probably had something really fcking weird happen to your brain while your mother was fcking the mailman and forcing you to watch power rangers. Die in a pile of spider shit.

gglives 6/10/2006 1:21:59 AM

God hate you all

splintermouth 6/10/2006 1:43:43 AM

I guarantee after acquiring the painting Kerry King will spend several days lying naked on top of it

getaids 6/10/2006 1:48:12 AM

God Hates Us All was great, and there's not a doubt in my mind that this record will be just as good. If you don't like Slayer, get off Lambgoat and head over to and play with your dck for a while.

LEX_LUGER 6/10/2006 1:50:11 AM

AIDSmuppet 6/9/2006 9:55:47 PM cool, i was hoping theyd finally release a record about war & religon Hahaha. I traded all my Slayer cd's in so I could go to Hellfest 2k3. The only one I regret losing is Undisputed Attitude. That was good.

getaids 6/10/2006 1:51:26 AM

sacralplexus 6/10/2006 2:44:34 AM

thats so badass! you totally arent a band of 35 year olds

bobbyhateseveryone 6/10/2006 3:02:48 AM

no care ever. i wish all of these "we're cool because we're anti-religion" metal bands would have just committed suicide on 6/6/06 and made for some good news.

fnffishcore 6/10/2006 5:07:37 AM

In all 25+ years of my life on Earth, I never have, and probably never will give a shit about Slayer. It just wasn't in my cards or something.

jca 6/10/2006 7:05:29 AM

fcking fck awesome fck fcking slayer fck

adam_HELLBOUND 6/10/2006 7:08:05 AM

Strongarm 6/9/2006 9:22:58 PM Slayer probably influenced EVERY band you gays listen to.. --- hahaahahahahah idiot

jca 6/10/2006 7:27:13 AM


frenetic_amnesic 6/10/2006 7:49:21 AM

slayer > you gays

chiz 6/10/2006 9:11:56 AM

its hard to top slayer in any way possible,they were selling out arenas when most of you were getting your soiled diaper changed!!!!!!!!!!

motherfckzombies 6/10/2006 10:24:55 AM

I cant beleive these fcking retards are bashing slayer on here. I remember when the independent music scene had some intelligent people involved that knew a good band or two but now im convinced these gays dont know shit.

vdburns 6/10/2006 10:35:50 AM

Why would anyone bash Slayer,ever? They're one of the few bands that have probably influenced every kind of "heavy" music band out there,no matter what genre or sub genre of the week they fall into.

cryptic_slaughter 6/10/2006 12:31:25 PM

^^^^Have you listened to Slayer recently??

mickeyoneill 6/10/2006 1:12:32 PM

jeeeeesus christ.

jessecuster 6/10/2006 1:16:51 PM

well i guess we'll just have to wait and hear.

As_I_LayCrying 6/10/2006 1:28:30 PM

they say "Christ Illusion" like 4873743 times

hxchris 6/10/2006 2:21:14 PM

anything slayer is better than the shit metalcore half of you listen to

Brett_Swill 6/10/2006 3:41:39 PM

"Consfearacy," oh you got 'em good Tom, haha. "It sounds like a damn Slayer record," thanks Kerry.

longcoldstare 6/10/2006 4:32:44 PM

OK, so they release that EP on 6/6/06, and they time the distribution of this news release for 6/9. And, for kicks, the album comes out on August 8, aka the NOFX song about the day Jerry Garcia died (though they got the date wrong, apparently). Ha.

ronniefuckingdobbs 6/10/2006 5:51:08 PM

slayer, you're releasing your new album on my birthday?!? with lombardo?? you're too good to me<3

strongislandsfinest 6/10/2006 7:00:43 PM

slayer > haters

Spike 6/10/2006 10:36:14 PM

Eminem to appear on Slayer's new album...

natestarkiller 6/11/2006 1:39:37 AM

just when you think there is one band that should be safe from hate comments in a heavy music community, this fcking horrible website goes and proves me wrong again.

btwrguitar 6/11/2006 4:45:50 PM

slayer can eat a dck....they suck ass.

Marbledecker 6/12/2006 12:02:20 PM

"this band was lame in 1990. just stop." <--- he apparently knew this at the age of 7.

carveyournamein 6/12/2006 12:05:30 PM

serious lol @ AIDSmuppet

moshandroll 6/13/2006 9:48:31 AM

hopefully it won't end up like Divine Intervention.

forumdrama 6/13/2006 4:16:06 PM

teenagers who think into the moat bring the m0sh: slayer sucks

Tags: Slayer

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