Post Commenti get to see them on the first day of the tour now! sweet!
gallbladder surgery? that's not fcking metal.
gallbladder surgery is borderline geriatric. way to be old and a shitty vocalist/bassist.
still no florida date so who fcking cares
there's no way I'm paying 50 dollars to go see Slayer with a bunch of shit bands
spider bites are metal. i might dish out half my paycheque to see slayer.. we'll see.
the bands on this tour are laughing all the way to the bank....Lamb of God........thanks for all of the local support guys!!!!!!!! jerkS
50 fcking bucks to see slayerw/shit for openers in cleveland,and,and,at an outdoor venue.sorry guys.your fcking god of speed but,can get more out of a carton of camels for that price!!!!!!
gallbladder surgery???????????needs time to heal????????playing with those bands are sure to put them in cardiac arrest
so i am guessing the whole 06.06.06 thing is done with... that sucks.
if it was handjob for a cowboy, we could make fun of it.. but it's fcking slayer so shut the fck up.
ohhhh shit all u niggaz be all like fck dat and shyte but u niggs best not be dizrespecin me.... ill fck u hoes up i mean wurd up to dez nutz ..... all u niggaz need to stop ridin my dck.... but all da hoes can suck it
yeah, fck this shit. i WAS going to SD for the 6/6/o6 show.
You guys must be kidding me... SLayer SUCKS they need to just stop because they're wash ups just like metallica.... oh yea and PS: JOb for a Cowboy kills slayer!!!
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