Post Commentfinally a really great fcking tour. ill pay anything for this.
Will go. I have been waiting to see Thine Eyes Bleed again.
And what an alternative to Ozzfest they are offering. Well done, boys.
This tour is going to crush everyone.
finally slayer is over touring with nu metal bands. isn't araya's brother in thine eyes bleed?
no care ever....Asian Bird Flu for the whole lot of them.
I come for the whaleboys, I stay for raining blood
^ and the kerry king circle jerk bukkhake fest. please stop breathing
yes his brother is in that bad. mine ears bleed. blah.
third eye blind > thine eyes bleed. good tour though.
Which is indeed a better alternative! I'd pay 50 dollars to slayer over a fcking fest with 1000 bullshit bands any day.
^^you forgot children of bodom and lamb of god.
excellent tour, for some reason cob doesnt really belong here. good band but dont hold a candle mastodon or lag
this tour (minus lamb of god) is better than the entire ozzfest lineup.
drop children of bodom and thine eyes and this wouldn't be half bad.
^Children Of Bodom> every band you listen to
welll i will be thuur even if third eye blind was playing
I'd probably go if my band wasn't going on a two month tour around then.
Mastodon and maybe Slayer for the 37th time seeing them. 1st time was in '87'
There is no doubt I will catch this tour when they come to the LA area.
According to people who work with a promoter here, the tour starts here in Albany, NY at the Albany Armory.
You goaters jump all over this like starving somalians fighting over bowls of rice!
SlGayer, Mastodont give a shit, Lamb of Gay, and Children of Boredom... I hope this tour disappears like Natalee Holloway.
^^ agreed. no surprise that the metalheads on this site are suck this tours dck like their name was lewinsky.
slayer mastodon and lamb of god, fcking incredible fck the haters, fck your moms 2, and odds are ive probably fcked your girlfriends
jesus christ i hope it starts in albany, i'll drive there to see this fcking tour.
I really wan't to go see this...I hope it comes around here.
shit band + shit band + shit band = shit tour
I listened to Thine Eyes Bleed and they fcking suck. So good tour minus them.
Dudes who shit on this tour either listen to emo-ass shoegaze bands or have simply forgotten what real metal sounds like.
fcking bad ass....slayer and lamb of fcking god
Thine eyes bleed is fcking amazing good for them
slayer fcking sucks, mastodon is alright, bodom fcking sucks, haven't heard thine eyes bleed. shit name. fck this $50/pop tour.
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