NewsAugust 1, 2024 3:01 PM ET14,179 views

Charlie Bellmore "completely heartbroken" after Keith Buckley asked him to leave Many Eyes

Charlie Bellmore Keith Buckley

Many Eyes recently announced a change in their lineup, introducing Craig Vittorio (TZARINA) as their new touring guitarist following the departure of Charlie Bellmore

In a statement, Keith Buckley, the band's frontman, expressed his gratitude for Bellmore's contributions, acknowledging that they couldn't have launched the project without him. Keith's full statement can be read here.

In response, Bellmore disclosed that he was informed by Keith of his removal from Many Eyes. 

Bellmore shared this statement:

Some time ago Keith called me and informed me I was no longer involved with Many Eyes. Does it suck? Yes, it absolutely does in reality what can ya do?

Keep moving forward.

With all bands you're supposed to be a team, and if you have a person that's for some reason effecting the team that person has to go unfortunately. Nobody else understood it, but that's what needed to happen in order for Many Eyes to continue so that's that.

I hope everyone loves the album when it comes out. I truly adored writing it the entire album with my brother Nick and with Keith, and I'm completely heartbroken I'll never play the songs live again.

A lot more songs coming from me soon
Charlie Bellmore



Andy Williams, former guitarist of Every Time I Die, shared:

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