Post Commentroad trip to falls in november! *hits icey bridge and dies in the name of slayer*
I will not miss this for anything in the world
hahaha I just realized that they are playing Atlanta Thanksgiving night. sweet.
well, there's hope for me seeing this yet...
Mastodon =/= terrible. I might go. Last year's was much worse.
wow this looks pretty sweet...except killswitch blows dick x 3267734987. i'll prob be at the worcester show.
i dunno, mastadon's new stuff kinda irritates me.
it's a sad, sad day when motherfckers will play in Rhode Island and not Arizona.
will be there!, but where the fck is the big easy?
i would'nt mind going but i have a feeling that this show is going to cost alot
ToDieFor, I'll think of you when I'm at the Rhode Island show.
Not as metal as seeing them on mother's day like last time, but will be there on my last day of classes.
where's the idaho show? haha. story of my life
i can't believe portland got a show and arizona didn't...... will be there.
I will definitly be there. I like every one of these bands.
NO ONE ever comes to vermont. the last time any decent bands came here was when poison the well, blood has been shed, sworn enemy, fata, american nightmare played at 242. but, of course...that was 3 years ago. rock.
I'm only going for Mastodon. Slayer bores me and I can't stand Killswitch Engage.
When Killswitch last played in Connecticut (at Toads Place), they said that they would be coming back soon on tour with Slayer, and that they would be playing at the same place (Toads Place). But now I dont see a date here.. hmm..
well i guess slayer too good to come back to south carolina after they cancel there to make up the show they bail on i guess i'll have to find a another band to support
12/02/04 My first time going to a metal concert. Today's date is 03/14/20 and my neck is still sore. That was a magical night for me. It changed me. Before that night I hated life and planned my suicide. Do you see what music can do? If that's not magic than I dont know what is.
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no columbus.. won't be there..