Hatebreed frontman Jamey Jasta purchases rights to Milwaukee Metalfest
The festival is set to return in 2023.
Official press release:
Before Ozzfest. Before Mayhem Festival. Before all of them — there was Milwaukee Metalfest.
The iconic, midwestern, multi-day event was the stuff of legends and it returns to prominence in 2023. Hatebreed frontman and multi-media innovator Jamey Jasta has purchased the rights and has big plans for the reboot.
"I am so grateful and thrilled that [founder] Jack Koshick has passed the Milwaukee Metalfest torch off to me," Jasta states. "He is a visionary and we will carry on the MMF legacy for years to come. So many of us have great memories from Milwaukee Metalfest, and the time is right for it to return."
Jasta shares an even more personal reason for wanting to take the brand into the future. "On a recent podcast I did with the late [Black Dahlia Murder singer] Trevor Strnad (RIP), I fantasized about bringing the fest back and even wanted Trevor to curate it with me," he shares. "In light of his death, I feel the need to see it through and relaunch the festival in 2023."
Koshick expressed his excitement at passing the torch to Jasta, saying, "Milwaukee Metal Fest has been a labor of love for me. I started working on it when I was 29; I am now 66. I want to thank all those living and dead for making this dream come true. Most of all, I want to thank the bands, fans, and crews that made this happen. The time has come to move on. I feel Jamey Jasta and his partners will do a fine job representing the brand. Until we meet again, I love you all."
Post Commentthey made a deal for $1 for each of jamey jastas IQ points. and for $37 the fest was sold!
There is no such thing as blue states. There is only Blue cities
Elon Musk-level power move acquisition. JASTA will go down in the books as one of the great business minds of this century.
CJ McCreery here, how come nobody thinks I'm cool?
I assume this means his $hit band has residency now? PASS.
There is no such thing as blue states. There is only Blue cities. This is why I still make jokes asking if they are vaccinated. It's because I'm just asking a question. I just want to make sure they are following CDC guidelines. My understanding of politics (as evidenced by my "Blue cities dissertation" above) enables me to be this funny. I definitely don't have a case of climate change though. My life is as important as a trolling t shirt from hot topic in 2016.
"timelordtwo 29 seconds ago I think someone is upset!" There is no such thing as blue states. There is only Blue cities. This is why I still make jokes asking if they are vaccinated. It's because I'm just asking a question. I just want to make sure they are following CDC guidelines. My understanding of politics (as evidenced by my "Blue cities dissertation" above) enables me to be this funny. I definitely don't have a case of climate change though. My life is as important as a trolling t shirt from hot topic in 2016.
timelordtwo 1 minute ago I hope they are vaccinated and boosted (to their eligibility, of course!) It's a good reminder that, even as cases go down, you should get vaccinated and boosted if you haven't already to help prevent more serious symptoms and giving COVID to others There is no such thing as blue states. There is only Blue cities. This is why I still make jokes asking if they are vaccinated. It's because I'm just asking a question. I just want to make sure they are following CDC guidelines. My understanding of politics (as evidenced by my "Blue cities dissertation" above) enables me to be this funny. I definitely don't have a case of climate change though. My life is as important as a trolling t shirt from hot topic in 2016.
anonymous 26 minutes ago CJ McCreery here, how come nobody thinks I'm cool? you still pissin on dimes or what
I think hot_robloxation_hpv forgot his password
How much do you think he paid for this? lol
carrying on the Male/Male/Female legacy? lol
LOL @ this surfer bro-voiced Connecticut dude buying the rights to an 18 years dead music fest when he could've just done his own fest with a new name. Dumb fu ck. Milwaukee Hardcore & Metal Fest. You know hardcore the music & scene your metal band would be nothing without. LOL @ all the hardcore simps like Danny Diablo congratulating Jamey on acquiring a fest none of their bands will be booked on. Jamey isn't booking Skar Head or Crown of Thornz, Ezec.
Some ignorant people dissing the roots/journey of hardcore and metal on here?! Wipe the spit from your faaaaace!!!
The 12 people that still comment on lambgoat are not excited.
Vending = $20 for a plate of Jasta's Pasta and $12 PBR.
Turdstile should headline this fest for the next 5 years. No questions asked.
Hope sunny hate5six doesn't film this cause he sucks
"Is this fest even relevant anymore?" No, no it's not. There's no one under 35 who even remembers this thing. The "IP" behind this, ie, the name, is utterly worthless. Bunch of neckless, toothless, head tattooed retards in basketball gear, with chest pains and shortness of breath after "dancing" in attendance. Christ, even "New England Metal and Hardcore Fest" would be more valuable.
Legendary fest now get ready for a lineup featuring what, Hatebreed, The Convalescence, Mobile Deathcamp, Inferi and 30 local bands that sound like shit
I know Jamey has that MTV money, but f*ckin lol at this move. Not starting your own thing in your own region but buying out the name to a dead fest in the Midwest? Bro
Garbage singer of garbage band made for MAGA chud 5'5 National Guard weekend warriors.
Yo, it's Jamey Jasta here, stop being so mean to me! Doesn't everybody love my podcast? I'm the greatest hardcore frontman of ALL time! I don't even need to learn how to play an instrument or write music, just bark out inspiration like that you'd hear from your 15 year old cousin that is really into football. Anyways, I gotta bounce & go buy the Mid Pacific Folk Fest out in Oregon cause I know just about as much about folk as metal. ~~The Jamey Jasta ~~~~~Perseverance against all opposition.
the no one under 35 remembers this fest comment is spot on lol The Midwest gets one good band every ten years that's then forced to break up because their inbred members turn out to be rapists/abusers/pedos. Now this fest gets brought to a bunch of alcoholic burn outs and their cornfed girlfriends for some reason. Where you gonna book this Jasta, the f*cking mirmar??? Also Milwaukee smells like dog vomit half the year
I heard Dr. Acula is headlining this. Can't wait to get in the pit.
There is no such thing as blue states. There is only Blue cities so literally where the entire economy, education, and majority population are. right wingers should kill themselves.
Hatebreed's last record sales and shorter than Jamey.
Bruh, the only jobs in California are cam girl and antifa rioter. Which one are you?
I know Jamey has that MTV money, but f*ckin lol at this move. Not starting your own thing in your own region but buying out the name to a dead fest in the Midwest? Bro >> Right this asshole can't put on a fest in Connecticut where he lives???
His podcast is the worst. Was good like 3 years ago now is ass and not the good kind the gross smelly kind
anonymous 4 hours ago I know Jamey has that MTV money, but f*ckin lol at this move. Not starting your own thing in your own region but buying out the name to a dead fest in the Midwest? Bro >> Band name idea: Midwest Dead Fest
Pilgrim 13 hours ago Damn all of you anons are imbeciles ^thinks having a handle makes him not anonymous lol
*satisfaction is the death of ALL of these fests*
Jasta' brings the "real talk" to Mee' Lee' Wau" Kay f*ck the pre-rolled joints evil_hero smokes, f*ck celine and his shit gimmick life, this festival is where's its at. Also..... what happened to the cry-mo twink that got arrested for posting terroristic threats on whatever for forum no one ever gave a flying f*ck about? is that dude still alive? was his name Brandon or Brendon or some other cry-bitch cutter name?
"so literally where the entire economy, education, and majority population are. right wingers should kill themselves." Yep, all the red states go out to dinner every night and 8-10 metropolitan areas pick up the tab every time.
Great. I hope this isn't at the mob run Eagles Ballroom. Then again, what in Milwaukee isn't run by the mob?
Most of these comments are from woke hc kids who wouldn't know a real hc pit if it blasted them in the face
Kerry King here, Slayer will reunite to play this but Hatebreed has to open for us. Just like old times. Hey Jamey, how does it feel to be an eternal slayer opener?
If Jaymey Shasta really wants a return on his investment the smart move would be to get Vogel on this. Yeah, it will cost him 20,000 minimum plus per-diems and lodging/airfare/backline. But this has the potential to be the biggest VFW show ever
Is "Milwaukee metalfest" trademarked or something? What could this cost, $800??
Most of these comments are from woke hc kids who wouldn't know a real hc pit if it blasted them in the face Imagine being an adult and thinking talking about "pits" is still cool?
I hope there's a vaccine mandate and a safe space to escape all the noise and mean people. There better be rainbow and Ukraine flags there too.
I'm surprised that Jamey has the heart for this.
what state is Milwaukee in? I'm going for sure
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funny, this is the first time this legendary fest has ever been mentioned on this site.