As I Lay Dying frontman Tim Lambesis comments on Nick Hipa's departure

As I Lay Dying vocalist and co-founder Tim Lambesis has now publicly addressed the departure of guitarist Nick Hipa, which while originally revealed a year ago, was only made official late last month.
Lambesis had the following to say via Instagram (see below):
"Being able to have different opinions or priorities but to still deeply care for another person's wellbeing is something that's often lost in our current climate. I just want to say that I truly wish Nick Hipa the best in his next chapter of life, and I'm thankful he wishes me/AILD the same.
"I've wanted to focus on music for past few years because it takes me back to why I started AILD in the first place 20 years ago. I look forward to writing new music and seeing many of you on tour again soon!"
Post Comment20 years he started this band to rip off Zao riffs and pretend to be a skinny Daniel Weyandt.
Hey Tim, do you remember when you tried to hire a hitman to kill your wife and the only reason you failed is because he was an undercover cop?
So what you're saying is that you do a 6 day push/pull/legs routine, and on day 7 you do some light yoga combined with trying to kill your wife. Got it. Allah akbar.
As My Wife Lays Dying (In My Mind Because I Failed To Murder Her). F uck anyone who supports this lowlife in any way.
Probably tried to have the dude killed so he dipped.
So why didn't Tim say jack shit about what really happened ? He literally said nothing on purpose, silence speaks volumes. Obviously this situation is complicated as f*ck I'm looking toward to the day it all gets brought to light. Maybe if some journalists could investigate a little, Tim wears his heart on his sleeve, there must be someone who knows all the bad shit Nick did.
That's great and all but when is the next Austrian Death Machine?
Just here to see all the metal dudes acting like they never wanted to kill a b*tch before.
Ah yea I'm sure Nick did a bunch of bad stuff and good guy Tim he dindu nuffin he a good boy he was just taking da fakehitman tuh church with his wife and all that sueing over growing titties was so he could Robin Hood it all out to the poor. Nick totally wasn't the one with his head buried in embarrassment that whole time Timthefatman was practicing his sobbing in that little reunion vid
Guys with gynecomastia and back pimples are stoked.
Oh let's hear what an attempted murderer has to say what a buffon he should go buy a van and flipity dip on out of this world
Just rememeber no matter what at the end of the day, if you cross this dude or get in his way he will pay to have you killed
heyyyyyyy it's that guy who tried to have his wife killed!
Nicks Hipa is the only one out of these turds to know what having a soul is like.
He tried to kill his wife, but didnt. No harm, no foul soy boys
Oh let's hear what an attempted murderer has to say what a buffon he should go buy a van and flipity dip on out of this world buffon buffon buffon buffon buffon
Tim Lambesis' favorite movie is This Guns for Hire
Tim looking jacked as f*ck. The past is the past y'all, forgive and forget. Thanks to Nick for his service and brotherhood. Time to look forward.
Reading the Bible and hiring someone to kill my wife
please turn off the comments for the sake of the families
He should have killed his wife like a real metal vocalist. I'd like to examine the music libraries of everyone shit talking the wife killer guy, as it is impossible to support a band of 5 people that have no criminal history, problematic social relationships and problematic history of literally anything. What people seem to forget is that everyone is a f*cking scumbag in our scene anyway. Granted, you'd be hard pressed to find another band who had a vocalist that tried to hire a hit man to kill his wife, but at the same time human beings are inherent garbage. Its more useful to measure people by how they respond to their atrocities, as opposed to just their atrocities. Oh and for the average smooth brain lambgoater that's gonna label me an apologist or some shit, get a f*cking life. I hope if you ever get convicted of a crime it follows you everywhere and people essentially pressure you to killing yourself, cause it seems that anyone who ever did anything wrong has no hope redemption
^^ amen brother. Finally someone who understands life isn't black and white, it's very complicated. Everyone has things they could do better on. But you can't prevent outside forces from randomly f*cking with you and framing you when they really want to. Once you are in the crosshairs of the elite bad shit is gonna go down, you just have to put your head down and focus and carry on because resilience is about the #1 thing any one should have at their disposal.
Nick left because Tim was a total anti-masker and Trump supporter last summer. Nick disagreed and here we are.
Nick slowing down and Tim speeding up. Pretty cut and dry to me. Phil did all the real work anyway.
Why didn't Trump speak at NYC today with the other presidents? Even though he was in the city and the most affected by 9/11. He pussied out. That fat f*cker was scared of getting knocked out by Obama
HIPA - "Hey guys, I think we definitely shouldn't try to have any of our wives killed" TIM - "I'm having a difference of opinion"
I want to hear more about this "bad shit" that Nick did that everyone is talking about
root beer float at a little league baseball game, cheering on your large nephew > 9/11
these dudes look like they take the fattest nastiest shits
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it's funny because he literally tried to get his wife murdered