The woman then shared a series of tweets in which various details of their encounters were shared:Fronz has manipulated and guilt tripped me into sleeping w him, even when i was underage. He got me drunk at every show of theirs like really drunk to the point where i blacked out for several hours. He then used me in that state to get me to consent to things i didn't want to do
— mrs worldwide (@roxyvienna) June 17, 2020
Then he kept telling me how pretty i am and that i should come join him in the shower to hook up.
— mrs worldwide (@roxyvienna) June 17, 2020
I must admit i wasn't being honest with him and told him i was 19. I know this is gonna make people question everything but that's what happened so i'm gonna say it. I did this because I was kind of a fan and would've done anything to make them happy and get closer to them and -
— mrs worldwide (@roxyvienna) June 17, 2020
-before that he wants to hang out with me again. After that he had gotten a gf so i didn't think anything would happen again and was comfortable with going to the show. This time a friend was with me. Oh boy was i wrong.
— mrs worldwide (@roxyvienna) June 17, 2020
We then hung all hung out in the bus and he kept asking me to hook up and i told him no several times because he was in a relationship. When that didn't work he whispered in my ear that he knows about my secret. I asked him what he meant and he said-
— mrs worldwide (@roxyvienna) June 17, 2020
At one point he even tried to drag me into his bunk and i had to hold onto smth so that wouldn't happen. I'm sure he was just making a joke but it still really upset me and freaked me out.
— mrs worldwide (@roxyvienna) June 17, 2020
When you're that young and look up to someone you just don't want to get mad at you and are easily manipulated into things you don't even wanna do. I didn't realize how wrong all of that was until recently. I still feel guilty about lying to him about my age and i know that-
— mrs worldwide (@roxyvienna) June 17, 2020
The tweets quickly picked up steam and received several thousand interactions over the next several hours, prompting Fronzak to issue the following video statement (and screenshots), in which he denied the allegations and suggested that his ex-girlfriend, Demerie, is involved in a concerted effort to ruin his reputation:I personally don't even mind that i was so young, this isn't my main point. My main point is that he is manipulating and guilt tripping in order to get what he wants.
— mrs worldwide (@roxyvienna) June 17, 2020
Hello. You blocked me on my main account but here is my side of the story. It's split into 2 parts.
— Bone Crew (@BONECREW666) June 18, 2020
Part 2.
— Bone Crew (@BONECREW666) June 18, 2020
Said ex-girlfriend weighed in, dismissing Fronzak's insinuations:Here are the screenshots from one of Roxy's best friends- This is the girl that was WITH HER the entire time we all hung out together.
— Bone Crew (@BONECREW666) June 18, 2020
Meanwhile, Roxy Vienna continued to post more accusations and supposed evidence:way to downplay sleeping with a minor and after finding out about it, continuing to guilt trip her into having sex with you. those screen shots were absolutely pathetic coming from a 30 year old man begging and 18 year old to fuck him. real rockstar shit lmao.
— ?????????????? ?????????? (@babygunk) June 18, 2020
Girls have been coming forward telling me the same thing happened to them. This isn't a coincidence. He knows what he's doing. (The girl that sent me this wanted to stay anonymous??)
— mrs worldwide (@roxyvienna) June 18, 2020
As this was happening, yet another woman stepped forward to accuse Attila drummer Bryan McClure of engaging in similar behavior:You cannot tell me fronz didn't know about it! These screenshots are from an old friend of mine (she wants to stay anonymous) the second screenshot shows messages between her and the guitarist chris.
— mrs worldwide (@roxyvienna) June 18, 2020
Back in 2017 i met attila. i was 16. i began talking to Bryan. attila was one of my favorite bands and i was just ecstatic to have someone i admired give me attention. i was 17 when he first asked me for nudes. i've heard allegations about fronz and i know how manipulative 1/?
— Harry Thotter (@cuccihighwaters) June 18, 2020
the last photo shows it was sent in 2018. i was 17 and that was bryan's 21st birthday. our text exchanges went on for over a year.
— Harry Thotter (@cuccihighwaters) June 18, 2020
We'll continue to monitor this evolving's a brief DM i sent explaining what had happened.
— Harry Thotter (@cuccihighwaters) June 18, 2020
Bryan would offer me drinks such as jameson when i was on their bus then he would kiss and grope me.
i was 17.
i was manipulated to not say anything for fear of my reputation. BRYAN IS A PEDOPHILE!
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