Gojira sent Chvrches merch following spat with Jamey Jasta
Post Comment"Gojira must have felt rather awkward. " Not to mention how deftones must have felt. I'm sure Jasta slammed the door on Hatebreed EVER doing anything with them ever.
^ go do the wall of death with your neighbors fence.
"^ go do the wall of death with your neighbors fence." Ahh, you sad angry short yelling man did dumb thing and now he looks bad? I'm sure you'll feel better if you go listen to Lionheart or something.
so we can now gather that the deftones safety, following france, is confirmed?
>>> Did some unpaid Lambgoat intern decide this was news? Gud 1 ??? pathetic rebounds
Did some unpaid Lambgoat intern decide this was news? ^^^^^ Come on, dawg. Lambgoat is just one guy in his underwear.
The highlight of this article is that she referred to Deftones as "Deftones" and not "The Deftones" as so many retards do to this day
Bastard Factory is for sale. Who wants to buy with me?
Also, good on Gojira for doing the right thing. Eff Jamey Jasta. The Fred Durst of 'hardcore.'
Guy up above, they are panties, not underwear. From my collection. Get it right next time or I might suspend your IP.
Funniest headline ever posted on here.
Chvrches are an insult to music. Just say no to laptopcore.
That poor band still doesn't know how to spell Godzilla.
hipster crybaby band can't spell & act like a bunch of sissies. more news at 10
Kyle J here Tired of that fake ass hardcore shit in MY city. Metal core isn't hardcore get it through that thick poser skulls of yours. You want some real hardcore listen to Abuse of Power FT my boy Yoon and the former bass player of foundation. Yoon has worked his ass off to get to the status he's at now in the hardcore scene. It hasn't been easy for him and you gotta respect his grind. He's one of the top merch slingers in the game . Straight edge the choice remains
"Hardcore kids" who never listened to punk rock can never be trusted.
The homie Jasta runs this show yo. You dont question and insult an OG like that. sagea could ruin all yalls careers if he so chose. Respect
^^this is true. They don't have that punk spirit
The singer from Chvrches is that crazy bitch who went off at the guy in the crowd who jokingly shouted, "Marry me!", isn't she? Looking forward to your hotpants tour of Pakistan, you entitled little prat ????
"Kyle J here Tired of that fake ass hardcore shit in MY city. Metal core isn't hardcore get it through that thick poser skulls of yours. You want some real hardcore listen to Abuse of Power FT my boy Yoon and the former bass player of foundation." Must be cramped in that box you live in
Jamey Jasta bitching about the order of a tour/fest/show lineup is rich considering he had Obituary play over Cro-Mags on a recent Hatebreed tour leg and hasn't put his boys Death Threat on a show in years, not even a CT show. Look in the mirror, Rich Kid.
Jasta is just concerned about being paid the most.
"hipster crybaby band can't spell & act like a bunch of sissies. more news at 10" I'm pissed mom forgot the cheetos and mountain dew again.
Yet we cant get Hatebreed on TIHC...? Joe HxC has stated he's been wanting Hatebreed to play forever now. I'm convinced at this point that Jasta has an issue with Joe or someone else behind TIHC because really?....wtf else do Hatebreed have going on these days?
^certainly N0T hitch hiking for a ride anywhere's
make like Donald Trump & just "grab her by the pssy."
anonymous10 hours ago Jamey Jasta bitching about the order of a tour/fest/show lineup is rich considering he had Obituary play over Cro-Mags on a recent Hatebreed tour leg and hasn't put his boys Death Threat on a show in years, not even a CT show. Look in the mirror, Rich Kid. permalink | report abuse Obituary are arguably the best death metal band to ever exist. The Cro-Mags "JM" are a weak parody. Sounds proper to me
Hatebreed tours when TIHC happens. Touring is HB's bread and butter (living.) They'd have to sacrifice an entire week to play TIHC thus it's not worth it for them to play TIHC. How 'bout Joe HC books TIHC so HB can play it for once?
So what about Obituary? Jamey and JJ from Cro-Mags are boys. Jamey should have CM play between HB and Obituary who by your own words don't need to play right before CM. Btw wouldn't you want Obit to play before CM so CM has to follow them? If I was Obit I'd be like let's make them top our set.
^ I meant to say by your own words Obit doesn't need to play right before HB. I also meant to say Jamey should STFU about the order of bands on another tour when he should've had Cro-Mags JM or whatever they call themselves nowadays play right before Hatebreed in NYC, Cro-Mags JM's hometown. If it was Tampa, Obit right before HB.
Guy up above, they are panties, not underwear. From my collection. Get it right next time or I might suspend your IP.<---- if you're going to suspend ANYTHING at all. Start with your underwear your mother just washed for you on the clothesline outdoors. hide the sgib label on the waistband junior. (S)kidmarks (G)o (I)n (B)ack.
why does Everybody insist on calling him "Jamie Jasta" his last name is Shannahan... probably not spelled correctly, but it gets the point across to you.
Obituary are arguably the best death metal band to ever exist. The Cro-Mags "JM" are a weak parody. Sounds proper to me And Obituary are unquestionably bigger by any metric, and it's not like the bands are all that far apart in the length of time they've been around.
"Hatebreed tours when TIHC happens. Touring is HB's bread and butter (living.) .... How 'bout Joe HC books TIHC so HB can play it for once?" They could route a tour around it. The only way they'd "sacrifice a week' is if they were doing Euro fests, which would pay them a shit load more than Joe would. But your answer is move it to a different time of year, when Hatebreed, who tour all the fcking time, are available?
It's 2019 and Jasta probably still thinks his band or his voice is relevant anywhere in the world
I'm sure Churches is the least looked-up band ever considering any time anybody types the word up it gets butchered by automatic spell check
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Did some unpaid Lambgoat intern decide this was news?