Whitechapel are the only band to come from tn & can't even get a higher spot on the bill -_- poor Cheap Trick too, under ghost wtf
"Where is your clutch now??????" They will be on the west coast, participating in their highly anticipated tour with Dropkick Murphy's and Hatebreed. This is after playing on several festivals this summer, and highly billed on each of them due to their popularity and fantastic album sales.
clutch isn't a big enough name to land on this. their label requested, but even the opening slots were full with more deserving talent. i work in the industry
^ By work "in the industry" he means suckling milk from his mother's t-t so he can wash down the cereal he eats for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, bought and paid for by his mom, since he still lives in her basement due to not working.
found the triggered clutch fan gay within mins. still trying flip the comment board polarity on clutch (won't) while sampling craft mustache waxes with his boyfriend
is this what they call "active rock"? funny that this shit only exists in the midwest of murica' because the rest of the civilized world have better taste in rock n roll.
Tenn. is in the american south and that is not the midwest. still better than california, which isn't saying too much. unless you like your sidewalks covered in bum feces and syringes
^ This. I would take Tennessee over California any day.
"found the triggered clutch fan gay within mins. still trying flip the comment board polarity on clutch (won't) while sampling craft mustache waxes with his boyfriend" ^ Doesn't know what triggered means. Also was the first one to mention Clutch. You are like a closeted gaygot who uses homophobia to hide from the fact that you are actually gay. Just admit you like Clutch and move on with your life. Clutch is awesome. Nothing to be ashamed about.
"found the triggered clutch fan gay within mins. still trying flip the comment board polarity on clutch (won't) while sampling craft mustache waxes with his boyfriend" ^ Doesn't know what triggered means. Also was the first one to mention Clutch. You are like a closeted gaygot who uses homophobia to hide from the fact that you are actually gay. Just admit you like Clutch and move on with your life. Clutch is awesome. Nothing to be ashamed about.' ^Clutch sucks ass
"doesn't know what triggered means" continues on with a paragraph why he is not triggered = triggered.
Having a conversation and supporting you in your announcement that you are gay has nothing to do with being triggered - it is being communicative. It is how people interact.
*continues being triggered over clutch (worst band)
The last 10 comments were left by (most likely) deadbeat dads, I bet one of them might work at guitar center, live in a jetta and routinely cheats on significant others who put them up in their house.
clutch and all their fans participating a circle jerk across america
The dude who keeps announcing Bane reunion shows is hilarious.
Why do all the Rob fusco comments keep getting deleted?
Why do all of the Donovan comments keep getting deleted?
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