NewsSeptember 16, 2018 12:20 PM ET7,801 views

Shirtless Slayer Fan Returns to Do Battle with Hurricane Florence

Slayer fan Hurricane Florence 2018 Roughly two years ago, Lane Pittman of Florida got some exposure (pun intended) by standing in the street with a flag in the middle of Hurricane Matthew, all while jamming to Slayer classic, "Raining Blood." Naturally, with Hurricane Florence on the prowl, Pittman has resurfaced in the South Carolina two days ago to reprise his role has hurricane fighter. You can check that out below, along with alternate footage filmed by Fox News, who wondered what the hell Pittman was doing. [via Metal Injection]


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anonymous 9/16/2018 10:14:31 AM

Slayer sucks.

ineedmoresalt 9/16/2018 10:36:09 AM

Funny comment in response

anonymous 9/16/2018 11:19:23 AM

must need more views on this dying site to post this shit. sad

anonymous 9/16/2018 11:38:59 AM

Yeah, slayer does suck, I'd rather rip my dck off and put it into a hotdog bun and eat it than listen to trash music.

anonymous 9/16/2018 11:40:08 AM

My family needs to be fed brah. I'm thinking of starting to include hip hop news in the coming months. Metal/ punk / hardcore / hip hop .. one love , unity. Thanks for your support.

anonymous 9/16/2018 12:03:57 PM

beatdown jon stoked to be bunked up with deathcore jon. All signs point to them having intense rear sex with each other until the storm is over and then 2 weeks after that.

menstrualmath 9/16/2018 2:01:17 PM

Livin life in the fast lane!

anonymous 9/16/2018 5:20:53 PM

If you think Slayer sucks then your parents raised a little bitch.Go listen to your Taylor Swift records pussies.

anonymous 9/16/2018 6:32:43 PM

Slayer is boring. Sure, songs like raining blood, seasons, and South of heaven are good, but in the last 20 years what have they done? I'd rather listen to metallica or megadeth

truthstar 9/16/2018 7:13:31 PM

Much more entertaining than the admin of LG posting links to 20 year old albums and how they were his favorite without giving us a way to comment how lame they are.

anonymous 9/16/2018 7:25:52 PM

How does this matter at all within the music community? The fluff around here is getting terrible.

anonymous 9/16/2018 7:46:43 PM

Update: The guy doesn't even know 1 slayer song.

anonymous 9/16/2018 9:21:05 PM

As I Lay Dying > Slayer

anonymous 9/17/2018 5:55:34 AM

Slayer is boring. Sure, songs like raining blood, seasons, and South of heaven are good, but in the last 20 years what have they done? I'd rather listen to metallica or megadeth<---PFFT!!! 0f c0urse y0u w0uld,0f c0urse you would. & then have a "bah-bah" before your mother lays you down wearing a onesie in your crib junior.

anonymous 9/17/2018 6:21:14 AM

whaddup Kristina Parts......she me your parts.

anonymous 9/17/2018 9:46:35 AM

My name is fckING RETARD

anonymous 9/17/2018 9:47:34 AM

"Much more entertaining than the admin of LG posting links to 20 year old albums and how they were his favorite without giving us a way to comment how lame they are." Gotta cash in on those affiliate links Bro

anonymous 9/17/2018 10:19:28 AM

If you think Slayer sucks then your parents raised a little bitch.Go listen to your Taylor Swift records pussies. Thanks overweight greasy hair metal dude for that great retort. Must suck do be such a loser.

anonymous 9/17/2018 10:47:02 AM

Must suck do be such a loser. type written by a confused basement dweller who mistook their "t" key with a "d" key... fcking boner.

thetowerofrome 9/17/2018 11:45:47 AM


anonymous 9/17/2018 4:56:08 PM

If we're talking about sketchy bands full of white power dudes, Pantera is so much better than Slayer.

fourthgradecocktease 9/18/2018 5:50:35 PM

Went to the Slayer farewell tour, mostly for Behemoth and Lamb of God. Left during Slayer because they were fcking miserable. Tom can hardly even mumble anymore.

Tags: Slayer

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