NewsJanuary 29, 2018 3:59 PM ET4,933 views

Misfits announce New Jersey concert

In the wake of four reunion shows during the past two years, the classic-era lineup of legendary punk outfit Misfits — Glenn Danzig, Jerry Only and Doyle Wolfgang Von Frankenstein — will play their first New Jersy show in New Jersey in 35 years this spring. The concert will take place on Saturday, May 19 at the Prudential Center in Newark. Suicidal Tendencies and Murphy's Law will open the show.


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anonymous 1/29/2018 1:06:09 PM

Going back to there roots

anonymous 1/29/2018 1:40:18 PM

Nothing says punk rock like clubbing your fans $200 per ticket.

anonymous 1/29/2018 1:57:33 PM

will play their first New Jersy show in New Jersey

anonymous 1/29/2018 2:24:02 PM

Nothing says punk rock like clubbing your fans $200 per ticket. ^ Just catch a few more shifts at Jiffy Lube if you can't afford it, loser.

anonymous 1/29/2018 2:36:03 PM

^ you're both fgts

ineedmoresalt 1/29/2018 2:37:06 PM

^ He works st a dealership, in your face sagea

anonymous 1/29/2018 2:59:46 PM

will this shitass fcking band die already? Should have quit after Legacy...

anonymous 1/29/2018 3:45:44 PM

Lyme disease is nothing. How about you carry Sheetrock every day for 10 years and see what kind of chronic back pain you have. Is your Lyme disease bullshit gonna cause you to start getting legit oxys from the dr? You gonna fruitlessly visit chiropractors for years? Your Lyme disease ain't nothing compared to what real men deal with every day

anonymous 1/29/2018 5:26:22 PM

Arena c-ck rock. More sheetrock cred if they played Indian casinos as most washed up has beens do.

anonymous 1/29/2018 6:12:27 PM

Cell phone cameras are stoked.

anonymous 1/30/2018 5:40:09 AM

This is LITERALLY the worst band ever.

anonymous 1/30/2018 7:44:18 AM

Jerry Only likes to pick up on younger ladies by telling them he plays bass in the Misfits. he sent a ton of Misfits related things(cd's,T-shirts,etc,e tc...) to one of my friends. clip on devil locks are excited

anonymous 1/30/2018 8:11:00 AM

^Sounds like a nice guy

anonymous 1/30/2018 9:28:38 AM

Whose dck did washed up long ago Suicidal Tendencies and Murphy's Law suck to get opening slots on this, especially Murphy's Law? LOL @ their vocalists being the only original members.

anonymous 1/30/2018 9:34:26 AM


anonymous 1/30/2018 9:47:57 AM

Goat from Murphy's law drums for the Newfits. Do some research before you open your mouth kid.

anonymous 1/30/2018 12:14:42 PM

this touring cycle will be brought to you by Cheeri"whoas" the start of a great day begins with a great breakfast.

anonymous 1/30/2018 2:06:44 PM

MOTHEEEEEEEEEEEER - tell your children not to post on Lambgoat.

anonymous 1/30/2018 5:46:01 PM

New Jersy show in New Jersey in New Jersy show in New Jersey in New Jersy show in New Jersey in New Jersy show in New Jersey in New Jersy show in New Jersey in New Jersy show in New Jersey in New Jersy show in New Jersey in New Jersy show in New Jersey in New Jersy show in New Jersey in New Jersy show in New Jersey in New Jersy show in New Jersey in

anonymous 1/30/2018 6:38:31 PM

Dave Lombardo drums for Suicidal Tendencies and the Misfits. Do some research before you open your mouth kid.

anonymous 1/30/2018 8:26:27 PM

Do some mouth before you reasearch, kid.

anonymous 1/31/2018 6:24:21 AM

Do some research before you open your mouth kid.<--- calm down over there, Roid Rager. Tim Lamb Bitch t-ts...As I Lay Lactating.

anonymous 1/31/2018 10:07:13 AM

Big Bobby Blood here. If anyone gon be throw in kid around. It gonna be me callin my man Glenn a kid if he doesn't recognize. Sosf, 59 worldwide, Las babas run NJ. He better have that envelope ready on tha real if he wants his little band to play. Respect. Honor. Crush your enemies. You are all cowards. Minimalism. Road dog. Come say somethin' . I already caught a few bodz. No big deal my mans.

anonymous 1/31/2018 11:36:40 AM

No mention of the guy from North Side Kings who knocked out Danzig in an entry about a band Danzig is in? I'm shocked. Again how on earth did washed up years ago Suicidal Tendencies and Murphy's Law get on this bill?

anonymous 1/31/2018 4:56:40 PM

Emmure should be on this & headline

anonymous 1/31/2018 6:17:43 PM

will play their first New Jersy show in New Jersey will play their first New Jersy show in New Jersey will play their first New Jersy show in New Jersey will play their first New Jersy show in New Jersey will play their first New Jersy show in New Jersey will play their first New Jersy show in New Jersey will play their first New Jersy show in New Jersey will play their first New Jersy show in New Jersey will play their first New Jersy show in New Jersey

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