Post CommentHe is legend is doing this thing for $150 a night
^ damn, does that even qualify as an offer? $150 a night?
How is gwar still a thing? I was in 8th grade when gwar put out the album with the schools out cover on it and i loved them. My friends and I saw them live 4 times in 2 years. There will always be kids that will love gwar.
^ yeah well I was in college and saw them at sounds of the underground (2006-07) and wonder why this is still a thing. Actually was really there for AILD, ETID, shadows fall, chimaira, darkest hour. no bullsh*t metalcore
^ damn, does that even qualify as an offer? $150 a night? It's about twice what they're worth. Another tour where they'll go over like drizzling shits
I wish Sounds of the Underground was still a thing. Had some good line-ups. Anyone go to Summer Slaughter this year? Have to feel like that one is on its last legs. Hope I'm wrong.
Summer slaughter isn't doing well...same with Warped. SOTU 2005 was stacked.
I'd be surprised if there's a Summer Slaughter 2018. They've just run out of acts. Who's a legit headliner they haven't exhausted already? Carcass?
ozzfest and mayhem died, slaughter will be next. warped is for children. all stars and scream it like you mean it were for children. back sounds of the underground returning. let's do this
Anyone remember Tattoo the Earth in 2000? Nashville pssy and Slayer, Dropkick Murphys and Slipknot.
can gathering of the juggalos get a mention in this also?
Warped had the worst numbers in 17 years and had to cancel dates..
Anyone remember Tattoo the Earth in 2000? Anyone remember what goo used to taste like?
Can Doyle not get into Canada or something? ^^^^^^ Canada bars entry of drunk drivers and/or deadbeat dads into their fine country.
Anyone remember Tattoo the Earth in 2000? Nashville pssy and Slayer, Dropkick Murphys and Slipknot. Dropkick Murphys weren't on that tour.
Summer Slaughter is putting up it's best numbers in probably 5 or 6 years. Warped didn't do well, but they didn't cancel dates because of sales.
" Actually was really there for AILD, ETID, shadows fall, chimaira, darkest hour. no bullsh*t metalcore" No bullshit metalcore, lists all metalcore bands
^ that's what I thought he meant too but think he meant no bullshit metalcore like no BS just straight metalcore..but idk anyone who reps metalcore like that except a fcking retard like him. Premie mongoloid, own thumb 5 inch deep in ur corroded bumsnatch, leaking fluid like a pregnant woman when they water break. Dick yellow/green, herpes outbreak on top looking like a rotten bruised banana. Virgin mamas boy, shirt tucked in, tighty whiteys changin in the locker room bathroom stall
no bullsh*t metalcore = metalcore, 360p... no macbooks, no tr00, no dad hats... five dudes, two guitars, bass, drums, frontman, dark denim jeans, solid black tees, maybe one of the guitar players has a sleeve tat, the other a wrist band. that's it. genius.
Stoked to see He Is Legend being played before seeing Ghoul, Goyle and then Gwar. Will Smith did a great job in the movie.
^^ wow amazed to see u took your fingers out your scabbed, unwashed buttsnatch for more than 10 seconds to type that. Loosened up from years of rear beads and self wristing, your auto assplay became self mutiliation years ago..Your gaping cave of an jerk in desperate need of surgery, you bring a change of pants to work at Carl's Jr. as rear leakage has become a daily issue in your life.
Friends & family, career opportunities and your own health have fallen by the wayside, sacrificed to keep your addiction fed. Numerous interventions, ER visits and public shaming have done nothing but push your bum snatch fetish over the edge. Always finding new ways to get off, new toys to assist your deviant urges, you lack concentration in all other fields of your life..you hit rock bottom last month, laying in the ICU after ass-cramming an entire can of Gillette Proglide shave cream
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