Post CommentSlayer AND Jimmy Fallon? That's a horrible combo, 2 of the worst things to happen in 1 room.
Rumor has it that Linkin Park were meant to play this show instead, but Chester backed out by all means necessary just to avoid being involved with Jimmy Fallon
^ even your timing couldn't make that funny
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Total sell outs, gonna hurt their underground image.
ineedmoresalt needs more Preparation H just like his butt buddy Chester constantly needed
The Kardashians and other people who don't listen to metal but wear metal band shirts because it's fashion are stoked!
Jimmy Fallon is the biggest puppet gay on tv
I know someone who was at a party (house party) where Jimmy Fallon was at in LA. Apparently he's a POS. Full of himself.
Jimmy Fallon was the worst SNL cast member of all time.
"Kerry King's Slayer Experience" is more like it
Will be LIT AF / off the chain and hook / dope / fresh if dude from exodus wears the kill all kardasians shirt. See also: Erect Penis
SLAYER... MORE LIKE... UH... GAYER! AMIRITE GUYS??? Get it? Please laugh at my joke or I swear to god I'm gonna Chester myself
It's still fcking Slayer. I'll watch, best of the Big 4 then and now.
At least they're playing a song off one of their good albums.
Let me guess. They're going to play it on toy instruments with the Roots.
Raining Fudge-the Kerry King Experience will reincarnate Chester of linkin park's voice to come out of Tom's mouth when he does his operatic scream during the start of "angel of death"
I know it said they are going to play "raining blood...." but I still stand by what I said about "the Kerry King Experience"
^^ Hey stupid "Reign in Blood" and "Raining Blood" are two different things lol
Every person leaving comments above is a white virgin who jerks off to BBC porn. This is Slayer we're talking about, what do you gays listen to thats any better? Some NERD-VIRGIN-PROG METAL, finger a crease already!
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I hate Slayer, but this is hilariously awesome. Gonna open up some normies to their tourmates in Behemoth! SLAVES SHALL SERVE