Post Commentonly going if the WWF Misfits wrestling group reunites at the event also
I got something to sayyyyyyyyyyyy I took a huge check to playyyyyyyyyyyyyy
They'll cancel just like every other Danzig tour...
Todd Jones is the original singer of the misfits
^^ Hate to say I told you so. Todd Jones is the original founder and lead singer of this grandpa core band.
"anonymous1 hour ago only going if the WWF Misfits wrestling group reunites at the event also" Pfft. That was in WCW n00b! *pushes up glasses and swigs Mountain Dew*
The Mi$fit$, not The Misfits. There's a difference. I won't be there for this nonsense but someone should go and find out what kind of merch they have...shirts, hoodies, socks, mittens, ugg boots, bathrobes, etc...
I will not go unless Arthur Googy is drumming
You can guarantee that this will follow with a world tour hitting every festival in Europe and beyond. They must have received some huge offers. Wonder if Jerrys son will be a roadie
Todd Jones taught Danzig how to go WHOOOOAAAAA
FRENCH ONION SOUPS ON fckERS DO SOMETHING - clown from poison headache thread
Saw misfits branded cat litter at petco yesterday with misfits dog toys. Couldn't believe my eyes
if wally edge didn't lose the funds, joe hardcore woulda had this headlining TIHC
I got something to sayyy I want that burger to stayyyy
BREAKING NEWS: it has been reported that this "reunion" will now be a todd jones solo set, with todd jones on vocal & guitar duties with pre-recorded bass and drums tracks (both recorded and played by todd jones) performing only misfits lesser-known tracks.
Really can't wait for the Todd Jones trend to go away, you fcking dorks really drag out bad jokes.
No real excuse not to have an OG drummer. I guess they will use someone from Samhain, or Goat, but I doubt Danzig would go with that.
>> Really can't wait for the Todd Jones trend to go away, you fcking dorks really drag out bad jokes. You'll never be one of us.
"Really can't wait for the Todd Jones trend to go away, you fcking dorks really drag out bad jokes." Don't be a loser. It's amusing. Fool.
fans that like to get punched for taking pictures are stoked
DUDE I KNEW IT, Todd Jones is keeping it underground by playing the more obscure, b-side Misfits songs in his set. None of this Attitude, Last Caress, poser shit!! GOOD ON YA TODD
Todd Jones fcked Travis Porter in his little boy jerk.
The real question is, do they still even lift?
Hope New England gets a show that is when I will get really excited
Can't wait get that "up close" photo of Glenn. 88
Do not get understand how or why people get so stoked on band reunions. It's like getting excited to fck your hot girlfriend you had when you were 16 almost 20 years later but now she's fat, wears sleeping pants out in public, and just wants to sell you overpriced merch. There's no way this will live up to expectations unless your expectations are really low.
My expectations *are* low and shit yeah, I want to see this.
will be there to punch glenn danzig in his rotund 1940's bodybuilder face
Do not get understand how or why people get so stoked on band reunions. It's like getting excited to fck your hot girlfriend you had when you were 16 almost 20 years later but now she's fat, wears sleeping pants out in public, and just wants to sell you overpriced merch. There's no way this will live up to expectations unless your expectations are really low. Because some of us weren't alive during 1977-1983... MORON
If only Danny Marianino punched Danzig harder....
Don't think I've ever met someone wearing a Danzig shirt that actually knows who they actually are. This show will be filled with 90% phoney punk/ hardcore dipshits
Looks like some short fat diva ran out of money, what nobody buying Danzig records anymore? Won't be there.
You morons make me laugh. So what if Danzig ran out of money and that was the main reason for this. It makes perfect sense for him to cash in when he can.
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