NewsAugust 19, 2015 1:25 AM ET3,794 views

King Conquer bassist exits tour due to illness

King Conquer bass player Adam Whited has been forced to leave the band's current tour as he deals with complications of Multiple Sclerosis. Here is the official word:
"No one that's never been on the road will ever really know how hard it is. Especially if you have a life altering disease like Adam does, he has had MS since before we even started touring and he has always pushed through the shitty sleep schedules, the insane heat, the strain your body goes through on stage, the shitty food, not showering for weeks, and everything else horrible that we put our bodies through. He has finished every tour he has ever been on with us, but today he woke up with no vision in his left eye and depth perception completely out of whack, it's sad to say that he won't be able to finish this tour with us. Tonight he is going to still play the show with us, but he will have to be sitting in a chair on stage. We have to buy him a flight back to Florida tonight so that he can go to his doctor and hopefully not have another relapse. "We will be continuing the tour with Austin Coupe of Adaliah, and Bryan Long of Dealey Plaza trading off bass duties for us! Wish Adam the best of luck and we thank the dudes in the other bands beyond words for helping us, and Adam out!"

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