Post Commentmen in their 40's who wear bandannas and No Fear shirts are stoked
Take off Slayer, Suicidal, and Exodus and you have yourself a good tour.
If you don't think this is a good tour then your a fcking moron go fck yourself
^ If YOU'RE going to call people a moron, you should go back to grade school and pay attention.
I actually graduated from college dickhead and have a career so fck off.go flip some fcking burgers and move out your mom's house or perhaps basement or fcking addict this is not a spelling or grammer competition gay
fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING FUC'KING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING fckING
Middle aged white trash fcks are stoked to hit their girlfriends and smoke crystal and push mosh in a fcking field
^ If it was a contest, you'd be losing by a long shot. I'm at work and have my own place, but hey, you were almost close with your assumptions! Anything else?
This show is gonna be awesome! People who talk shit about these bands usually like five finger death punch! Bunch of pussies anyway!
Everyone on this tour will have grandchildren in the crowd, and those kids will be highly embarrassed at the extreme level of gay displayed on stage
Suicidal Tendencies 2014 is so horrible. Mike Muir and four hacks who like Mike can't write a heartfelt song to save their lives. Keep rehashing the first three albums, Mike, you true sellout. D
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have fun camping!