Post Comment"fell victim to this unfortunate set of circumstances". Way to man up.
Whines about shit talking, but it's okay for him to cheat people out of their money. O.D you loser.
"playing in a successful and well known rock band"
always enjoyed the 'Nacht records. addiction sucks and it destroys people, so good job on doing what you can. no hate here.
'Love and light'?! Love and fckin light?! My god, where is the black metal (or whatever he called his shit)? What a douche, love and light. Hahahahahahahhahahahahahha hahahahahahhahahahaaahahah . Go away, don't come back- and fck off. It would have been better to say 'I am an addict- fck you, Hail Satan!!' not some inspirational crap. Also, why post these statements and then remove them?
whoa sagea i ain't readin all that shit
what a relief...he's gonna pay back all his debts that he can afford. what a stand up guy. hahaha.
blakely judd no one is ever going to read this whole thing you fcking dweeb. should have stayed in jail.
blake, spend your money wisely and find the RIGHT rehab center, i have been in and out of mental treatment centers for the past 10 years and they have only made me worse
Just suck a d*ck and cheer up already for fck's sake! Your Dad doesn't even have to know!
But sister they are just ninos trying to release their wiggles.
way to really man up and blame your addiction problem on the fuucking doctor.
"In doing these things, they've only ensured to all be on a short list of people whom I will not be going out of my way to 'make good' with" No one believes he's going to "make good" with ANYONE. He'll have a new lineup of Nacht together by spring (probably dudes in their early 20s from the sticks) and will be announcing more dates.
yet again, lame metal-head drug addict can't own his mistakes and accept responsibility. "It was my fault, but I don't take responsibility." fck you. Go die.
Oh wait, it's not the woman abuser, but it's the thief. Go die anyways.
Those Hell's Headbanger shirts rule. BLAKECRUSH!
pills... wow that's a hardcore addition, talk about substance abuse...
If You actually ripped people off Merch wise, you really aren't credible for anything excepet absolute life failure, straight loser man, fuq off.
You have no clue dude, go take a few 10's of perc and tell me you don't get fcked up, it's heroin in pill form.
I don't have a side in this fight... but I find it funny that most of you kids bitching about merchandise never sent probably steal tons of music and hard work from artists yourselves. Double standard much? fck music butt pirates just the same.
dearest blake....youre a drug addict, always have always will be...get your shit together
What bkr said. He was an jerk, and a piece of shit, but good for him for admitting his shit ways and trying to change. Hope he finds a better path, and can change even with all the terrible things he's done.
What the towerofrome said....... But the complete opposite. I hope this scumbag speedballs straight to hell. Free Max B.
he will relapse and OD before the year ends