Post CommentLoved Bostaph, but no jeff, no listen.
fck you Kerry King and fck you Tom Araya. Let it die.
Without Jeff and Dave, Slayer will never be the same. The next album will suck without the,
Toms voice cant hold out for more than 2 shows. They should put slayer to bed. Kerry king is also a giant douchebag
Bostaph is a great drummer and Divine Intervention rules but no Dave and no Jeff equals no Slayer. Give it up.
Fantômas is dead. Been a decade since the last album.
Dave > Paul Always has been, always will be.
Bostaph is such a hard name. - Heatthrob Rob
"continue to fill in for fallen guitarist Jeff Hanneman." so, what happened...he fall off the stage or something?
Paul Bostaph Probaly The Best Member Ever In This Overated Band.Is It Me That thinks Lombardo Is Overated And Harms Dragonslayer Everytime He Rejoins.How Many Fills Or Splash Note in Every Second.Ginger Baker Invented The Doublebass.Bostaph Over Lombardo Anyday.
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