Post CommentWould kill to be at this. SLAYER for life and hopefully death.
Santa in the Abyss, Seasons of Santa, Reigning Jingle Bells, The North Pole Awaits, Baby Jesus Hates Us All
Soooooooooo- wtf are they gonna do? Sit around, share stories and drink coffee? Sounds like a fckin blast.
Lets face it, we only listen to four slayer songs, five if that....
^^^^ Fact. I only yell Slayer. fck wasting my life and actually listing to them. Slayer is just shitty thrash, nothing special.
Nope, anyone who doesn't like Slayer is a fcking moron. Fact.
shut off his phone and went incommunicado shut off his phone and went incommunicado shut off his phone and went incommunicado shut off his phone and went incommunicado shut off his phone and went incommunicado shut off his phone and went incommunicado shut off his phone and went incommunicado shut off his phone and went incommunicado shut off his phone and went incommunicado shut off his phone and went incommunicado shut off his phone and went incommunicado
anyone hear if TimAsILayDying was cleared of chargez?
^^^^ Fact. I only yell Slayer. fck wasting my life and actually listing to them. Slayer is just shitty thrash, nothing special. You are insane. Every 'hc, metal core, whatever shitty core' band rips Slayer off. I hope you're just goofing, or you're a teenage dip-shit who doesn't know better.
Metallica sold out and pussed out. Slayer has kept it real from day motherfcking one. RIP Hanneman
Mandatory suicide for all members of the WBC
Id love to hear what the douche bags insulting slayer grew up listening to? Divine intervention and everything before was pure bliss. Too many 14 year olds on lambgoat that listen to I killed the prom queen for my liking....
Lets be honest here- Slayer could NEVER pull off a Metallica, never. Slayer had an image, a well crafted image- but they could never get the air play of Metallica. Metallica was ripe for a break through, well orchestrated by Bob Rock- Slayer could never make that happen. Ever. Rose colored glasses.
Have they pressed charges against the spider yet?
Spiderflip/have they pressed charges on the spider yet I. fckING. DIED. good work. p.s. rip jeff
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Christmas was his favorite.