Post Commentman theres some heavy shit going down at Glamboat this week
Why didn't they come right out and say it was Timmy lambchops? The notorious don of the adoptingsagesshittywife crime family? I'm gonna blow the lid off this protein power can if no one stands up for real journalism. Expose these monsters for what they are! -butt dog
Why didn't they come right out and say it was Timmy lambchops? The notorious don of the adoptingsagesshittywife crime family? I'm gonna blow the lid off this protein power can if no one stands up for real journalism. Expose these monsters for what they are! not funny, tried too hard hotshot whatever the case, it sucks to go through what he did and pass away
hes taking the tim lambesis transformation a little bit 2 srsly
I read this statement a few days ago. Lambgoat would need a time machine to keep up with real time news...
Hot Tub Spider Bite is the name of the band I am now starting. Who wants in?
So... the spider bite sped up his alcoholism?
Lombardo must really be on sour terms with Kerry and Tom. Pointless.
The industry is rife with alcoholism and alcohol related illness's, its sad that the "life"style ruins so many lives
the itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout down came the raining blood and didnt kill the man(jeff hanneman that is)
obv the spider paid a hitman to poison his liver with booze, duh
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