Post CommentSounds like some plan to make people care when they put out a new album in a couple years.
Sanford Parker...what a fcking douche name.
Nachtmystium is to busy combing their facial hair. Dudes suck, last album sucks. Horns on a black metal album? Seriously? Kill yourself. And while your at it, your other band Atlas Moth, is fcking terrible too.
No one in Nachtmystium has a beard. Bands been around playing black metal since 1999 and had years of time in other bands in the underground dating back to 1996 when they were teenagers. So, get your fcking facts straight, because you just sound like a moron.
Oh, and the band hasn't broken up, they're on hiatus from live shows - nothing else, working on a new album currently, and no one is suing Blake...that's another rumor going around. Don't you people have something better to do? If you don't like something, ignore it.
That's great. The world needs less closet Nazi, heroin addicted, false black metal pssy shit like this anyway. fck this band. Vanflip 4 ever/get killed.
Ohhh...they're undergound. I don't care if they've been suckling the t-t since 1990, they're still a shitty band with shitty band members.Christ, so many people will jock this band because of who they've toured with. Chris Black was the only redeeming part of this band, and anything he's done has been 1000s better.
lol at dudes in the US talking about "false black metal". Nobody on here is in their 40's and from rural Norway.
this band is pretentious and everythingthats wrong with metal nowadays...ladies and gentlemen, i present to you, the black metal version of emmure.
I love Nachtmystium but Blake is a scammer. he ripped off the whole band and moreover the fans, that's true reality !!!!!!!! he deleted the facebook page because fans were complaining about merch stuffs never sent… this is a shame !
just gotta call it quits this time fools. foolish band, so foolish.
LoydChristmas 2 days ago Sanford Parker...what a fcking douche name. You regularly frequent an internet message board as a fictitious 1990's comedy character... but yeah, that guy's a douche.
"we were gonna break up, but then I found more heroin, so shit's cool again." - Blake Judd
Pitchfork brand metal dweebs are bummed.