Post CommentHow could they have possibly recorded this with out an Indiegogo campaign?
infinitely stoked on MOTA, this will be so good.
"How could they have possibly recorded this with out an Indiegogo campaign?" Its clear as day a label is releasing this record, so they received funding from their label, hur dur.
Dammit, How This Will End was already released. Love MOTA, but I hate when bands do that shit.
people who think isis is doom metal are stoked.
It is a different version of "How This Will End"
why is every sub neurosis knock off always billed as "the soundtrack to the apocalypse"?
^ why do gays like you always get hard for Neurosis? They fcking suck. MOTA is 100x better.
Neurosis slays, MOTA's shit is just different.
^ why do gays like you always get hard for Neurosis? They fcking suck. MOTA is 100x better. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, whew. great one knucklehead. those gauges in your ears are doing a number on your brain...
The better question is: Why do news websites allow people to comment, when all people do is embarass themselves with snide remarks? You only bring down your own intelligence when with these actions. If you can't find something to like about a band then move along. Go bitch to your cooler than thou hipster scene friends and let the rest of us openly discuss the topic of interest. If you want to criticize a band, show some respect for yourself and do so intelligently.
I like MOTA and I'm very excited for this album. Conversely, this article reads like a teenage girl wrote it.
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Who has the time or money to keep up with all of these bands?