Post CommentThat is not a good thing for this band. Luckily they're done recording their new album because it'll probably be their last good one.
"Im planning on moving back to Australia to pursue other musical ventures." dude GIVE IT UP.
he's in I KILLED THE PROM QUEEN, you c-ck lovin' moustache lickers!
LoydChristmas telling someone to give it up. Maybe he should patrol the Lambgoat news section every day. Shit band, yes. But at least he's not you.
thank god now I Killed the prom queen can be a real band again instead of a side project
Congrats on getting out of that horrible fashioncore radio metal band and returning to your original band which used to be pretty good. Hoping IKTPQ can release some new music in the near future.
"I Killed the Prom Queen" - awful band name. francophone bands with terrible attempts at english names are way better than that. just awful.
fck yes. Jona is such a gay piece of shit. Hope he plane-flips on the trip back to Asstralia. Have fun sucking dcks in hell, shitbag.
"I Killed the Prom Queen" - awful band name. francophone bands with terrible attempts at english names are way better than that. just awful. - Drummer for Chunk! No Captain Chunk! nice try homeboy, better luck next time.
Kids who care about this shit are #CuttingforBMTH.
I think Justin Bieber should join Bring Me The Horizon as their new guitarist. He'll need to learn to play guitar first...wait never mind.
lol he got kicked out ages ago he didnt leave for other interests
lol. Bmth and iktpq are all horrible gays. Your sister called. She wants her pants back.
I saw them at warped tour in UK and a friend told me they booted him after this show and thats the extent of my care so im going to go about ma day now
anonymous7 hours ago LoydChristmas telling someone to give it up. Maybe he should patrol the Lambgoat news section every day. Shit band, yes. But at least he's not you. lolol....get a real job, Jona.
jon3 hours ago lol. Bmth and iktpq are all horrible gays. Your sister called. She wants her pants back. That has to be the most amazing burn on anyone ever. I've never seen anything so original and awesome. Girls pants on guys with this type of music? Ha! The folly of it all! Go to bed so you don't miss homeroom you 9th grade suckling
I read "I'm the new guy with a New Zealand size ego so here is a press release so I don't lose my underage following after I've been kicked out" meanwhile band continues to make more money than us all and the world still turns Bet all those tatties are coming in handy with the emus and koalas now you hack! Tumblr doesn't pay! Maybe he's joining For Today
meh, he never really fit in anyway. I'd be surprised if he could understand what the fck the rest of the band were even saying
"I Killed the Prom Queen" - awful band name. francophone bands with terrible attempts at english names are way better than that. just awful. Just wanted to look smart by using the word "francophone". Get a grip, guaranteed any australian > you.
He has clearly left so he can go to bible college, it's the new in thing these days
Bet all those tatties are coming in handy with the emus and koalas now you hack! Tumblr doesn't pay! Maybe he's joining For Today ....actually playing sold out shows in IKTPQ down under and banging girls 10x hotter than your fat gf. plus their new stuff actually aint bad, you twat.
anonymous7 hours ago LoydChristmas telling someone to give it up. Maybe he should patrol the Lambgoat news section every day. Shit band, yes. But at least he's not you. ^^^ ANYTHING > patrolling Lambgoat news ... and NOT getting paid
Jona should join architects or my band imma gonna comment his status on fb
^ you should totally do that bro, he'll jump at the chance to leave IKTPQ and join your shitty band that no-one has ever heard of
....actually playing sold out shows in IKTPQ down under and banging girls 10x hotter than your fat gf. plus their new stuff actually aint bad, you twat. Yeah dude, 15 year olds with ridiculous makeup are hot. Okay.
kicked out of BMTH, b4 that was kicked out of BT, would have been kicked out of IKTPQ but kicked out Crafter first. Id like to hear the real reasons why no one wants this dude in their band. Future musical ventures will be titles "insert shitty band name here" featuring Jona previously of BMTH, BT and IKTPQ
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