Post Comment"best of all, he's playing guitar again". Not that he's walking again, or that he's still alive. Typical Fairy King statement right there.
As he recovers from a spider bite hopefully a bat doesn't piss in his eye.
"What kind of spider was it?" From the description of the bite it sounds like it was a brown recluse. - S. Irwin
Glad he's recovering. I was bitten on the leg and it looked like gangrene was forming; it was a bitch to walk. I should have gone to the hospital. His case is SO much more serious.
I got bit in the face by a Hobo Spider years ago. It went through a necrosis stage, then I got on some antibiotics and it stopped. But the dead tissue peeled off like a scab. Now I have a scar under my right eye about the size of a quarter. His case is worse, but mine is more metal.
My dad's second cousin was bit by a spider and was diagnosed with mental retardation, dysentery and alcoholism. But its not as bad as this
This just in: Andrew Mikhail is looking for another drummer and bassist to complete his project.
Save the "comedy" for comedians because none of you gays resemble anything close to being funny. Don't quit your day jobs at Baby Gap.
or wait, is it Starbucks? either way, shut the fck up, you aren't as clever as you wished you were.
fans of bands 20 years past relevancy are stoked
Spiders of the Abyss. All jokes aside, hope he gets better.
i thought that shitty tattoo on kerry's head went silverback and claimed jeff's soul
I mean it could have been a message from God..."Stop making music, PLEASE!"
Somebody get that motherfcker some tea tree oil! I was bitten by a brown recluse, and it made part of my big toe rot away. The pain was awful. I was considering cutting off the toe with bolt cutters, but I tried the tea tree oil... cleared that shit right up.
i guess that whole "Hail satan" thing didn't work out so well.
Attention anyone tempted to take the lunatic a couple posts up seriously: If a brown recluse bites you and you treat it with fcking tea tree oil, you will die because you are a moron.
i_talk_shit posts vocal covers of iwrestleabearonce on youtube under the username "deathcore_vox\m/"
HAHAHAahhahahaha ^^^^, vocal covers! HAHAHahahahaaa, vocal covers = homosexuality litmus test. And whats with all the kids wearing tshirt that look like there cut to show off ones breast plate, or they accidentally super stretched the neck, XPOSTXHOMOX
HAHA i can't stop laughing at the thought of vocal covers!
what is a vocal cover? and who is i wrestled a bear once? never heard of them, oh wait is that terrible band with chick? garbage.
"And whats with all the kids wearing tshirt that look like there cut to show off ones breast plate" Um, they are called V-neck shirts and they are made that way. how old are you? plus those dudes wear V-neck so they can show off their jesus tattoos better. duh. ;)
^ gay for this guy right here, that is for sure. c'mon big boy.
^^^ do you do vocal covers because none of your friends think your good enough to be in their bands? That's gotta hurt. how are you going to criticize others for not being clever, then make your profile name "i talk shit" ? Being in hs must be hard huh? Anyways as for iwabo, they're solid dudes, good tunes too.
^^ this scrote does fcking vocal covers too. You comb-over c*nt. If you listen to vocal cover style bands, your are a dckless mangina shaved.
I'm going to suck my own dck. Yep. Right now. Later gays.
right after you upload another catalog of vocal covers to your youtube channel.
Stumbled onto this forum. All of you who even listen to Slayer are just failures.
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First sages lol the browning is gay