Post Comment"Truth be told, Jesse blew us in auditions."
They auditioned their old singer ?....kinda rude
"Truth be told, Jesse blew us in auditions." LOL
Kind of a slap in the face for jesse" um hey bro, we have been touring and getting rich so now that this ship has sailed its course...well you can come down the tubes with us"
^lol. I feel like this is such exciting news, the Jesse era KSE was so good. Inevitably it will probably be very disappointing
This band has not been relevant for years and jesse is probably a terrible vocalist now. Does anyone really give a fck about this band anymore?
in related news, howard jones is holding auditions for fat girls with low self esteem who play the skin flute
Unlike most of the haters I'm willing to at least give the newer KSE a listen. Absolutely loved Jesse on the first two albums and saw how dyamic his range can be with Times Of Grace. I just wanna hear "Life To Lifeless" live
comeatmebro "...jesse is probably a terrible vocalist now" ---> If you'd bother to listen to Times Of Grace you'd know this is not true. His voice is great.
Loyd Christmas should offer insight on this because he likes cleverity.
Truth be told, studio recording was never Jessie's issue. Not with KSE or any other band he was in. Regardless of whether you like his voice or not, his downfall has been his inability to handle the vocal duties whilst touring. So unless he is able to tackle what will be a heavy touring routine after the album release, I won't be surprised if he gets kicked out of KSE...again.
"I am very blessed and very thankful to be black."
comeatmebro1 hour ago This band has not been relevant for years and jesse is probably a terrible vocalist now. Does anyone really give a fck about this band anymore? Have you heard the new Empire Shall Fall album. I think its some of the best vocal performance and lyrics of his career.
"I won't be surprised if he gets kicked out of KSE...again." ----> He wasn't kicked out he quit.
anonymous 3 hours ago Loyd Christmas should offer insight on this because he likes cleverity nothing to see here. move along.
haters gonna hate. saw KSE awhile back, in NYC w/ Jesse filling in when Howard was "temporarily" taking a break. They played most of their old songs and it was pretty much spotless. anyway, hate hate hate hate...
He had to try out? Kinda gay considering he was what made this band.
"I will sing every note with all of my soul." Great fit into the band. Super Corny!
Adam D. is still the most annoying buy on the planet.
^ wouldnt be suprised if Feel The Synergy was the new album title
I saw these guys once when Howard first joined and got robbed. I will give this one more chance..
i give a fck.....great news, if they can get back to the old roots
If he seriously quit already I'm gonna lol so hard. Adam must be like the worst. Just the worst!
omg u f*in dumbfcks of course he had to try out, he has to sing all the stuff howard did. and if he can't do it, he wouldn't be in the band! get your facts straight, ty.
yes, some guys still care about this band, at least they do good stuff, not like alesana and all those gayshithomobands who are out right now.
fell the synergy? this dude has been watching too much 30 rock
xander_crews is stoked