Post CommentThats what happens when you snort coke through your ear
That ear infection was probably the same one I got after listening to any Slayer albums since Diving Intervention. Serves him right...
whoa, this band is having a run of bad luck lately...maybe this is a sign that they have finally pissed HIM off. lol
^^ yeah man, ville vallo is probably really pissed
Have to make sure that after ya get load(s) of c-m in your ear to at least have some one pee in it to wash it out. He is learning the hard way
They need to start booking hospital tours
I think the activity center at Del Boca Vista has available bookings...
"I can't pway because I have the sniffwes."
try keeping your bible in a pool of penicillin sometime
fraggle_stick_car 2/27/2011 2:56:25 PM try keeping your bible in a pool of penicillin sometime LOL
yes slayer should retire because of an ear infection
Its a conspiracy!! SLAYER cancels tour due to the sniffles... Before you see the light you must diiiiiiiiiiie!!!!
They had no energy at the Brisbane Soundwave except for Gary Holt. Retirement time.
Invasions quickly override, malicious domineering strike. Flood your veins, commit slow death. Deteriorate, your maker's met.
i'd be extra cautious about a possible ear infection too if a buddies spider bite ended in necrotizing fasciitis. and to the people down playing the spider bite. . . look up necrotizing fasciitis. . . gruesome shit
Season in the EARbyss, Crypts of EARternity, EARpidemic, EARgressive INfector
God hates us all...well god hates you guys even more. had to start when Kerry King stared rockin that sweet head tat. oh, cant forget the shitty layne staley
who gets an ear infection over the age of 3?
Probly from some animal. Every animal native to australia is fcked up and wrong and will kill you.
fraggle_stick_car 2/27/2011 2:56:25 PM try keeping your bible in a pool of penicillin sometime... completely hilarious.
how could you guys bash Slayer, maybe the last few records have somewhat switched styles from their previous, more traditional "Slayer" sound. but c'mon guys seriously! have you no reverence for the pioneers of the genre?!
I was there, Crazy shit! Bottles thrown at organisers, People burining their Slayer shirts, people trying to rush the stage.. Plenty of police on stand when it was announced.
maybe they will find someone who can sing worth a shit.
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first post yay