Post CommentThis is one of the worst bands I've ever heard. Usually Victory's signings are lame but you can tell something might be marketable. This is just plain dumb. fck Victory and fck Dr. gayula.
you left out "shitcore,gaycore,and Ihavemoretalentinmydickcore"
Whatever band+worst piece of shit bloodsucking label=death of whatever band/no money for worst piece of shit bloodsucking label.
^^this. Terrible band. Only confirms that Victory is run by a bunch of blind retarded cripples.
2012 came a little earlier than expected
"As a band growing up we listened to VICTORY bands" It all makes sense now.
fck, they would! Stupid band! I can't believe the label that is home to the amazing Between The Buried And Me would sign this shit!
"noisecore." how about "bullshitcore." or "fcking band for childrencore."
What grindcore band is able to say that they grew up listening to Victory bands? Bands that aren't actually grindcore but love basking in the "coolness" of coining themselves as such, that's who. fck this gay band.
God damn, it's about time these grindfathers got the recognition they deserve.
it`s about time victory sign`s a good band for once belowme is a good album.
shit band, shit label, shit news post, shit webmaster
this is possibly the best and most fitting signing to Victory in recent years. Both are the epitome of what is wrong. Cheers to this!
satisfying our current supporters... *wind blows*
worst band bar none i rather listen to the number 12 and blood brothers sets back to back and mosh to it...
what a fcking terrible band, pure and utter shit
Well, that's surely the final nail in the coffin.
Is there some kinda scenewide april fools day jole going on this week that im not aware of? God dammit time to consult myspace...
xmusicislifex 7/27/2010 3:42:27 PM 2012 came a little earlier than expected Lold
It should have said "Victory Records signs very original non-trendy band Dr. Acula!"
this band is fcking terrible and they are not "deathcore, grindcore, and noisecore" anyone who thinks they are probably also digs dance club massacre and vampires everywhere
that's it. Time to petition Victory rectums to sign my motherfcking taint!
Tyler Guida (My Bitter End) and Frankie Palmeri (Emmure) are old friends, and Tyler works for Frankie's mgt company (True Vision), who represent Dr. Acula. How could this NOT happen?
tuff 7/28/2010 11:54:20 AM my bitter end was a good band << agreed
it`s about time there`s some positive feedback on this site.
xmusicislifex 7/28/2010 12:50:41 PM tuff 7/28/2010 11:54:20 AM my bitter end was a good band << agreed Agree'd
I wonder if they'll re-record Shocker On Shock Street and release it......again.....for the third time.
S.L.O.B was there only good release & hey tuff BELOWME WAS f*kN TERRIBLE...TARD
<.<*sigh whats happened to victory records?
First, gay.