Post Commentthis studio better be a forest or abandoned quarry or something equally grym
The Torch of Tone burns strongly in these ones...
Killing Joke's "Extremities, Dirt & Various Repressed Emotions" RULES! hopefully it sounds like that.
m_kwd 1/11/2010 11:16:15 PM Killing Joke's "Extremities, Dirt & Various Repressed Emotions" RULES! hopefully it sounds like that. You could fck up a wet dream. You should start considering music "off limits".
ascendeanevil --- haha are you talking? you have diarrhea of the mouth and should consider NOT talking.
plus, get some real put downs...like "your band sucks" "you label blows" etc. wet dream? c'mon who talks like that? a 15 year old kid? oh wait, you do. you're a choad.
m_kwd you talk too much.. stop posting and stop defending yourself.. we all know you're a gay, stop feeding the fire. being king of the gays still makes you a gay.
gayg0t... Sorry, got caught up in the moment...
who is recording an album where?! nfc. Id rather fck myself in the ass with an AIDS c-ck than listen to this gayry.
You all talk too much shit about Matt of KWD, the dude has done more based solely on his love of music than most of you dipshits could even dream.
And I'm definitely not scared of anyone on this site hating my band, that's why I don't have an anonymous handle like most of you. Hate me, I'm Chris, I sing for Woe of Tyrants. Matt is the man. fck off.
gay_of_tyrants, your band sucks c-ck. I'd expect you to defend such c-ck.
band was cool until they had some shirt promoting doing coke.
"Few bands today embrace their own individualism to ultimately craft something truly unique and genre defying regardless of its sales potential." In other words THEY fckING SUCK
at least m runs a label and contributes to the scene aside from wishing death upon shitty bands, as if we don't do that already. you idiots need a forum just for that?
the werewolf from twilight is recording drum tracks.
listened to it, not impressed. How's that for concise, constructive feedback guys? Oh P.S. studioflipburnaliveinlavaavalanchesongs
eatingbigdicks --- your name is "eatingbigdicks" who is really the gay? hahaha.
Oh hell yeah man, ya'll need ta hit up E. TN. I hope they sing that "Ballad of Curtis Lowe" on this motherfcker. Hawt damn, I just came. Got dang metal makin' my keyboard all sticky, hellfar.
m_kwd 1/11/2010 11:16:15 PM Killing Joke's "Extremities, Dirt & Various Repressed Emotions" RULES! hopefully it sounds like that. best damn casette tape i've ever had
I really liked the last record. Ghosts of Grace was a pretty great song.
first cl*t