Post CommentWe'd like to say thank you to Throwdown and Bury Your Dead for taking us out on the road. <--- I would of dropped off this tour too.
I have a feeling abacabb will be dropped from sumerian soon.
tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny
some of the best dudes ever. hope they get back on their feet quick.
honored to be apart of it honored to be apart of it honored to be apart of it honored to be apart of it
great so now i gotta deal with with pantera and bring me the horizon and mother of all gayforchrist bands on this shit tour.
only to find out that the tranny was fried only to find out that the tranny was fried only to find out that the tranny was fried only to find out that the tranny was fried only to find out that the tranny was fried
Buying onto a tour and not getting a garuntee everynight..
Transmission problems = sick of having to tour with shitty bands like Throwdown and Bury Your Dead. Too bad the other bands are pretty shitty too. No loss for anyone except fans of shitty music.
somehow i don't think it really matters. to bad it wasn't a van flip
the little vanflip that couldn't
Throwdown? Bury Your Dead? LOL why would they agreee in the First place...
ahh why did they join? they did cause bury your dead and throwdown can get them bigger and more well known awesome dudes, this sucks
they were so frustrated they broke edge at the local bar down the road
end your lives