Post Comment...and the award for "band that have long overstayed their welcome" goes tooooooooooo....
That Judas Priest song is over 20 years old. Wtf?
Mike 12/3/2009 9:36:22 AM That Judas Priest song is over 20 years old. Wtf? what i was thinking
well thats shitty. but its not like a mainstream award show would actually have a good list though.
further proof the grammys are a fcking joke
If Slayer of Ministry wins.....I will be a very happy man.
being nominated for a Grammy is not all that "metal" if you ask me.
I just want to see who has to say the phrase "Slayer, for Hate...Worldwide..."*crickets*
Mike 12/3/2009 9:36:22 AM That Judas Priest song is over 20 years old. Wtf? <----- 32 years later...
super_bad_ass 12/3/2009 11:09:37 AM Emmure should on this.....if emmure was ever really on this i would shit all over my tv
they took the Judas Priest song from their newest live album. they had to include it to keep up with the same fcking bands they nominate every year.
Didn't Homer Simpson get a grammy? Yeah, grammys don't mean shit anymore.
whoever wins this away should drop their pants, pop a squat and take a shit on stage.
j2step 12/3/2009 12:24:29 PM super_bad_ass 12/3/2009 11:09:37 AM Emmure should on this.....if emmure was ever really on this i would shit all over my tv <<LOL
none of those bands are good or ever were good ever
Best Metal Performance? More like Most Mainstream Metal Band... Also did that someone actually say Emmure should win a Grammy?
I'm surprised this hasn't stooped to the levels of nominating The Devil Wears Prada, Attack Attack, and Emmure.
First, Emmure fcking sucks, what is with everyone thinking they should be on the list? Second, grammy's have been nominating the same fcking bands ever since they introduced the "best metal performance" act. All of these guys were has beens.
idk what the fck to even say about this shitpile.
really, im suprised they didnt choose mastadon..since everybody else laps up their gravy train
I'm honestly just happy they actually HAVE an award for metal now. For fcking ever they did not.
Oh and all you dumb shits think this is a bad list but these are actual SUCCESSFUL metal bands who make real money and a REAL career playing heavy music. Not saying I'm a fan of them but I'm not retarded and can recognize why they're nominated
And your band is? le_c*nt 12/3/2009 11:11:59 AM same fcking shit bands
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first lol