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RIP bob saget

withdeadhandsrising 1/9/2022 4:45:16 PM
rip in peace

BULLHEAD 1/9/2022 4:46:44 PM
at ease, soldier. you've done your duty

butlerianjihad 1/9/2022 4:47:08 PM
He is survived by Gay Saget RIP

simon_belmont 1/9/2022 4:48:15 PM
See you at the crossroads, Bob https://youtu.be/VMYAEHE2GrM

BULLHEAD 1/9/2022 4:48:28 PM
you think it was drugs? i do

BULLHEAD 1/9/2022 4:48:54 PM
seems like a guy who low key does a lot of drugs

withdeadhandsrising 1/9/2022 4:51:09 PM
remember that guy who faked having tourette's and would shout bob saget all the time

carveyournamein 1/9/2022 4:54:54 PM
Yeah I remember.

BULLHEAD 1/9/2022 4:56:06 PM
not ringing a bell for bullhead

simon_belmont 1/9/2022 4:57:26 PM
It was early internet stuff. You probably didn't have aol yet

withdeadhandsrising 1/9/2022 5:05:57 PM
i liked the one where he shouted MEN'S ASSES

butlerianjihad 1/9/2022 5:09:02 PM

Godfreyjones 1/9/2022 5:10:50 PM
Celebrity Found dead in hotel room always means an OD.

BULLHEAD 1/9/2022 5:13:22 PM
when i was a kid we used to change a letter in his last name to make a fun little play on words

Godfreyjones 1/9/2022 5:14:07 PM
Bob Baget?