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there you go again

withdeadhandsrising 12/4/2021 9:01:07 PM
vibrantly expressing yourself https://youtu.be/RpaI8k1Z4-c

Zordon 12/4/2021 9:04:07 PM
fukkn lol i like how you can hear his foot steps its so quiet

carveyournamein 12/4/2021 9:12:37 PM
That's the funniest shit I've ever seen.

carveyournamein 12/4/2021 9:13:16 PM
Imagine if you were an alien and this was the first thing you saw when you discovered we existed.

withdeadhandsrising 12/5/2021 7:43:17 AM
*crowdkills to tibetan throat singing*

HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 12/5/2021 7:44:47 AM

HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 12/5/2021 7:45:11 AM
That's just beautiful

BULLHEAD 12/5/2021 7:46:46 AM
That's good stuff

BULLHEAD 12/5/2021 7:54:54 AM
I want to go see sunno

_d0thack_ 12/5/2021 7:56:28 AM
Dude. Lol

butlerianjihad 12/5/2021 8:02:11 AM
what a champ!