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RATM announce s/t tour after Peltier decision

AnalButt 25 days ago
That'd be pretty cool

B__DAWG 25 days ago
the indian guy?

B__DAWG 25 days ago
well we still have to free that mumia guy. and TIBET

AnalButt 25 days ago
One retarded step at a time

easyhateoven 25 days ago
And willy. Wait, he's already free

B__DAWG 25 days ago
that whale is long dead

AnalButt 25 days ago
These dudes are so old. I remember in the summer of 1996 when Bulls on Parade came on MTV at my grandparents house my grandma made us turn it off. Ironically, years later she admitted she loved Snoop Dog and I gifted her Dogfather for Christmas and she was excited

AnalButt 25 days ago
My wife used to work surveillance at an Indian casino and when snoop dog played there she said there was an abundance of elderly people. I guess they like his flow

B__DAWG 25 days ago
i think i hate snoop dogg....all his rap i've heard sounds like SHIT and i don't like his whole weed smoking personality. why do people like him again?

B__DAWG 25 days ago
he's never entertained me

AnalButt 25 days ago
He flows pretty hard and he isn't that controversial. Other than that murder charge

simon_belmont 25 days ago
I did a research paper about Peltier in high school. The feds did him dirty. Mumia, I don't know. He could be guilty.

Bortslob 25 days ago
AnalButt 8 hours ago My wife used to work surveillance at an Indian casino and when snoop dog played there she said there was an abundance of elderly people. I guess they like his flow Elderly people at a casino!? You gotta be kidding me!

nothinlefttogive 25 days ago
My former BiL's ex was Snoop's personal assistant for years. It's extra funny because someone at a show many years ago called her a "coatrack" & she wouldn't stfu about it, then she went on to becomes Snoop's personal coatrack.