the emotion of quitting cigarettes mixed with the brutality of quitting cigarett
Xchimp_chamberX 33 days ago
not sure which is worse, the feeling a few hours in that the day hasn't started yet because I have not inhaled carcinogens into my lungs... or that feeling of disappointment when you break down and have one, saying it's fine, but it isn't and you can just feel the negative effects creep back instantaneously.
d0t come here, you got a good head for punchin'
straightedgehack 33 days ago
I stopped smoking cigarettes late last year.
I thought it would be more difficult but those nicotine pouches work wonders when you wb
AnalButt 33 days ago
I gave up cigs 4 years ago but kept smoking Juul. Tried quitting Juul for about 5 days but turned in to a huge asshole because I need nicotine. I've given up alcohol and everything thing but smoking and I'm ok with it being my vice.
Xchimp_chamberX 33 days ago
im over here, smokin for the drinkin, like d0thack wiping towards the front of the bowl
AnalButt 33 days ago
He posted a thread about that and titled it "wiping up" like wiping in that motion was a bad thing.
Xchimp_chamberX 33 days ago
d0t is the person who that old C&P about butt sex and poop being in the butt was written for
straightedgehack 33 days ago
You don't smoke weed anymore AB?
That was harder for me than cigarettes but that's mostly because I was using it as a crutch during my early stages of recovery. I miss it though.
AnalButt 33 days ago
No. I'm old and weed gives me anxiety now. All I do is sit there and think about my problems and bills. Not fun anymore.
easyhateoven 33 days ago
AnalButt 1 minute ago
No. I'm old and weed gives me anxiety now. All I do is sit there and think about my problems and bills. Not fun anymore.
this happens to me after i drink
straightedgehack 33 days ago
It's one of the few things that stops me from going full retard so learning how to live without it has been real fun.