Lambgoat awards its first ever 10/10 record
Pallbearer got a 10 a few months back.
Nobody cares about pallbearer
You probably wrote that review you dope
I didn't. I never gave a 10. But I probably should have scored the oxbow and Peter brotzmann record a 30 in retrospect.
i like pallbearer. although i heard the newest one was a little "gay"
The latest Pallbearer was boring.
We establish Bloodlet - Entheogen as. 10/10 record over 2 decades ago.
This album is actually pretty good, but you gotta be in the mood for it
Opeth have a bunch of good ones but I never want to listen to them
I still think deliverance is their best offering
Deliverance is very good. I was just comparing Last Will with that one and Watershed and Blackwater Park. New one is fine but it lacks the memorable riffs of their earlier albums.