the acacia strain - 3750 (2004)
easyhateoven 41 days ago
zero irony. i still f*ck with this album. heavy as f*ck and pretty much the only album i like by them
straightedgehack 41 days ago
I like this one.
Sun Poison & Skin Cancer is my favorite song by them. Love the intro.
plaguestricken 40 days ago
Also f*cked with this album. I remember a cool melodic track off that album with lyrics about seeing a sky or something? That was a cool track.
simon_belmont 40 days ago
I never really listened to this band. I feel like they came out on the midst of all the garbage metalcore stuff so I just assumed they were that. Should I listen? I'm going to that fest they're hosting in Albany in Dec so if I stay to the end I guess I'll see them too
easyhateoven 40 days ago
theyre terrible now, esp live. i wouldnt bother. i saw them in 2005 and it was decent then in 2013 or so opening for at the gates and it was terrible.
rick_tocchet 40 days ago
Last time I saw them live I walked out cause they were so f*cking loud and sounded like shit. That was pre covid.