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That news story about the murdered lady

Bortslob 44 days ago
Have you ever known someone that was murdered? I haven't. I have a good buddy that got killed in a car crash by a reckless driver, but I don't know if I'd consider that murder.

PenicillinTrapdoor 44 days ago
One of my best friends was murdered a year or so ago. Thanks for reminding me, dick.

easyhateoven 44 days ago
It was if the reckless driver did it on purpose. My dad knew someone from the steel plant who killed his wife, kids then himself in the early 90s. They used to get drunk together at work. Like men

willy_wanker 44 days ago
i had a coworker that was a belligerent drunk and would start fights with anyone. he started a fight with the wrong guy and got his throat cut and died

Bortslob 44 days ago
It wasn't like a road rage thing, the kid was racing another car down the highway going 120, and rear ended my buddy

snoocifer 44 days ago

willy_wanker 44 days ago
i knew a guy that killed his girlfriend because she wanted to break up with him. he strangled her and dumped her body on the side of the long island expressway. be claimed it was breath play during rough sex

Bortslob 44 days ago
Was his name Rex Huerman ?

willy_wanker 44 days ago

Bortslob 44 days ago

easyhateoven 44 days ago
case closed

You_Were_Wrong 44 days ago
I've known two people murdered. One was a female coworker who say across from me for a couple years and then she didn't show up to work for a week. Turns out her boyfriend pushed her down the stairs, chopped her up, put her in trash bags and tossed her at the dump. Body was never recovered. His family got custody of the children. Real f*cked up. He got 30 years. 2nd one was a friend, he was lured to the woods by a chick who claimed he s.a.'d her a long time ago and she stabbed him to death. She's in jail for life. Really f*cked up looking back on it.

lurkcity 44 days ago
murdered no, but when i was in 7th grade my buddy shot himself in the head and he did not survive

plaguestricken 44 days ago
So, uhh, how about that P. Diddy fiasco? Pretty weird huh?

Bortslob 44 days ago
What does s.a.'d mean?