Did Pearl Harbor kill Skiffle?
simon_belmont 31 days ago
Pretty weird coincidence that Skiffle music all but disappeared around then, isn't it?
B__DAWG 29 days ago
i watched a video of jimmy page's pre-yardbirds skiffle band once. it's probably on youtube. go watch it now
B__DAWG 29 days ago
i've only ever heard of skiffle because of that jimmy page video. it's boring. i don't like old-timey stuff. nothing got good until the 60s
simon_belmont 29 days ago
I saw a book at goodwill by Billy Brag about Skiffle music once but I decided I didn't need to actually know anything about it so I didn't get it.
B__DAWG 29 days ago
i don't like that old-timey robert johnson style blues stuff either. it's boring as shit