Quitting the board to spend more time with my wife and baby.
VodkaVeins 313 days ago
Remember when the singer from Thursday quit his band to spend more time with his wife. Pussy...
ej 313 days ago
When we went to the Thursday show we had to wait outside for 2 mins in a line for our tickets to get looked at and he starts freaking out cuz his hands are cold and I'm like "you're ok, you're going to be fine. We're just going inside. It's gonna be warm there. Ur fine don't worry" and he makes a scene every time by taking off his coat when he's having a panic attack for some reason so it's like 15 degrees outside he's in line for the show and just strips his coat off and runs into a random store which turns out to be a chess store and I'm just sitting there.
VodkaVeins 313 days ago
PenicillinTrapdoor 5 minutes ago
Thursday dude isn't gay??
He seems more like a bi type of dude